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Author Topic: Brownie Skin not showing up?  (Read 145 times)


Brownie Skin not showing up?
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:01:47 pm »
Description: New character, Amarllisya Smallstrider, has all the stats of a brownie, the moddifiers on her skills and such. however, the head has not changed over to the elf model, and she is still halfling hieght. Also, Lance said that I was not showing up on the server status, and it would appear he is rightLocation: All throughout Mistone, haven't tested it anywhere else yet.Verified: NotReproducable: Yes, I have logged in and out several times and it has not fixed the problem.


This was fixed.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2017, 12:01:24 pm »

This was fixed.