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Author Topic: Bard Song - Knock  (Read 220 times)


Bard Song - Knock
« on: March 30, 2009, 08:35:22 pm »
Bug Report

Description: Acacea's bardsong (from her epic) at times necessitates being fired twice or more in order to cover a party when she rolls the effect that opens locks.

So, at times it will be used, one or more persons will get a standard bonus (same as if she rolled locks), and others nothing, requiring a redo for the rest. I've tested this with Weebs and others some beside locked things, and it does seem to coincide, as none of the other effects have showed up in testing when the song fails, but locks will open... and it has never happened with curse song that I have seen.

Location: N/A. Wherever.


Reproducible: Yes

Other comments: This one kind of threw Weebs and I think he was wondering if it was maybe just too many things going on - he put together some feedback insert or something so that I could log specifically what effects were firing and when, but it never really went anywhere. It's not a big deal - I noticed it shortly after she got it, but she has enough songs for a long enough duration that it's only a minor inconvenience at times than anything. If it can be fixed, awesome, if not, seriously, no biggie.


Re: Bard Song - Knock
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 08:33:10 pm »
OK, I took a look at this and I have rearranged things a bit in the loop, so hopefully it should help some.

Let me know how it goes.

In for next update.

