The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Bugs => Fixed Bugs => Topic started by: Guardian 452 on March 17, 2011, 03:43:36 am

Title: Fixing "Exploit bow" Not removing Lighting effect
Post by: Guardian 452 on March 17, 2011, 03:43:36 am
Bug Report

Description: After having all of my characters bows brought into compliance with what has now been deemed an exploit. I noticed each bow has a lighting effect left behind from the element enchantment it had before.
Example. Oak Longbow with a 1d6 Fire added... it also adds 10M red light. Once the element damaged was removed by a GM today the red light effect remains.

Location: West server - Thought I would think the same would apply to a bow being "fixed" on the other server(s)

Verified: GM-Redeemer (TheBlueGnome or some such name) Removed all the element damage from my bows. He saw that the light effect remained on every bow.

Reproducable: Yes. Each bow that had its element damage removed kept the light effect from whatever element it was enchanted with.

Is this a world stopping bug? No.... but the light effect is really pointless now.

Title: Re: Fixing "Exploit bow" Not removing Lighting effect
Post by: Dorganath on March 17, 2011, 08:28:13 am
Yeah, it's not really a "bug" per se. I thought about the light issue, and decided to not touch it, simply because some items have a light property on them already.

There is, of course, an in-game way to remove the light, but of course that costs money to use, and some may not pursue that due to the locations of such devices and deity relations/paladin codes.

If enough people are interested or wanting the light removed as well, I'll make a "deluminator" too.
Title: Re: Fixing "Exploit bow" Not removing Lighting effect
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on March 17, 2011, 09:49:10 am
Yeah, Steel makes it a habit to remove all lighting effects from his gear. All that blasted magic light messes with his darkvision. :p
Title: Re: Fixing "Exploit bow" Not removing Lighting effect
Post by: Guardian 452 on March 17, 2011, 12:28:11 pm
I suppose one could use said device in an OOC manor. Not sure everyone knows about that device or what it does though. :) I know I didnt for a long time.