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Author Topic: Hesitate bug  (Read 74 times)


Hesitate bug
« on: April 13, 2009, 10:06:52 pm »
Date of being noticed:  4-13-09

GM Witnessed:  Dorg

Reproducable:  You betcha

Problem:  When you use the emote *hesitates*  the avatar sits down, stands up and shakes their head, then sits down and stands up again.  While funny, I don't think this is what it's supposed to do.


Re: Hesitate bug
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 11:09:20 pm »
For completeness, I tested this with my GM avatar and it didn't do any of the sitting behavior.  The difference in behavior may have something to do with the difference in models.

I believe this happens because "hesitates" as the word "sit" in it, so we'll just need to make an allowance for this special case.


Re: Hesitate bug
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 12:00:51 am »
Well i can attest that because you have He -sit- ate, the chars will sit down, but I have never seen that behavior from any other races in game while RP. It could be due to the stacking up of emote while a character is siting and there is lag, the emotes will not fire up until a point where it does them all one after the other for a while, until the queue is done. But from seeing other elves, humans, half elves, dwarfs etc, use that emote and by mistake sitting down, I have never seen the rest happen.

Could it be also a Dance while running bug? (you see the char run but his arms are flaying around like if it was curing the skies). That one is usually client side, as the others don't see it. It could be your char doing it, or someone else char. Re-login usually fixes that one.


Re: Hesitate bug
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 12:25:11 am »
Nah, I witnessed the odd mix of animations on her character, so it's not just client side.  

In any case, as I mentioned, we can probably add a special case for this particular emote.


Re: Hesitate bug
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 08:49:39 pm »
Fixed in next update