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Author Topic: Horse Bug on West  (Read 76 times)


Horse Bug on West
« on: March 18, 2009, 01:19:01 pm »
While Kurgin is on the West server he cannot rest due to always being on horseback even though there is no horse.  I hope a server reset will cover this issue but wanted to post here to be sure.




Re: Horse Bug on West
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 01:20:57 pm »
Actually, just log out and then log back in.  That usually fixes this particular problem


Re: Horse Bug on West
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2009, 01:22:14 pm »
And for future reference:

This usually happens when you "port" between servers while on horse back.  It's usually better to dismount and have the horse follow you through.


Re: Horse Bug on West
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2009, 02:17:32 pm »
I actually tried logging out multiple times.  I also went to Central and can rest with no issues.

The issue started while Kurgin was on the Ore fields.  Kurgin was using greater sanctuary and went through a room transition.  Kurgin walked past a group of Ogres and they saw right through Kurgin's feeble ploy.  Kurgin sucumed to the vicious beating and died.  Not sure but Kurgin's horse seemed to show up at that point and I think the Ogres killed it also.  Kurgin was bound to Hlint on the west server and when he showed up there he did not have his horse.  When Kurgin tries to rest he seems to have nightmares that he is still on his horse and cannot sleep.

Long story short - Kurgin was nowhere near his horse when he died and was transported from central to the west server.  The horse never shows but he does have the indicator on his screen that his skill is decreased just like when he is riding a horse.  There are no issues when he is on central.




Re: Horse Bug on West
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2009, 08:02:28 pm »
Shiff is correct in that this can happen when crossing servers while mounted.  The annoying thing is that the module will, while it's running, remember your character's state despite most attempts to convince it otherwise. For example, if you "ride" from West to Central, dismount through some means and come back to West leading your horse, West will still think you're mounted.

So yes, it is advised that one dismount before crossing servers.

Now then, the good news is that West will forget all about this once it's restarted.

The bad news is Kurgin's faithful Th'hawaururk ended up on the dinner menu at the Ogre Cafe'.