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Author Topic: Horse bug  (Read 122 times)

Krell Himmler

Horse bug
« on: March 01, 2008, 03:25:09 am »
Long story short:

Got stuck on the horse, was weird with my body split up, couldn't dismount. Eventually a Gm helped me get off of it. Now the saddle is usable even when not on a horse and it summons a new horse. I can't wear a cloak, so the game still seems to think I'm mounted.

Krell Himmler

Re: Horse bug
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 03:38:18 am »
Forgot to say, when I load into the game it seems to spawn a horse next to me, no matter where I am =/

Also, I cannot rest at all, when dismounted it still gives me the message "cannot rest whilst mounted"

/finally fixed it, but it seems to re-occur sporadically.


Re: Horse bug
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 09:51:20 am »
okay having had those problems before. For the can not rest, that's because you are still on your horse but the visual doesn't show the horse under you. Unlog relog wait and the horse should appear under you, now dismount. If the horse keeps appearing its because you didn't tie down so it can not move (it's one of the option). Also note that some robes are not made for the animation and half your body will look under the horse. Pants is the best solution when riding.

Jumping server while on the horse will most often than not, cause the horse to not show under you and give you the problems of being constantly accelerate movement and unable to rest.


Re: Horse bug
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 05:06:08 pm »
Crossing servers while mounted is the chief cause of this.  I strongly recommend dismounting and leading the horse across server boundaries.  The key problem here is that each server can "remember" the mounted state differently.  Since a person mounted on a horse is, mechanically, just a different character model, this information gets saved when a character logs out of one server.  However, a running server also remembers this and across multiple logins of the same character (assuming the server has not been reset) will often cache this information (along with other things like active spells, position and such) rather than loading them explicitly from the character file.  

Unfortunately, this causes extreme headaches with the horse system, and trust me, I spent far too much time trying to get that to be more resilient and ended up getting about half way there. I unfortunately came to the conclusion that the best "fix" is to just train people to dismount before crossing servers.  

As for where the horse appears when you log in, you have to tie the horse down (one of its conversation options) for it to appear in that place each time you log in.  Otherwise it will default to appearing by your side each time.

