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Author Topic: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight blindness racial property  (Read 93 times)

Annun Firith

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Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight blindness racial property:

Crimson Shield Guild Hall
Hlint interiors
Port Hampshire - Hall of the Weave
Leilon Arms
Fort Hope - Caring Hope inn
Krandor - Kellin's Inn
Hlint Public Craft Hall


RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2005, 12:17:00 pm »
These are all tagged as Interior, Artificial and Above Ground.
  Not sure what's happening but it doesn't look like an area tagging issue. 

Annun Firith

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RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2005, 07:01:00 pm »
hmm... well the light blindness is working properly when you go from outside during the day into a blatantly underground area like... the direwod cave for example.

However in many indoor areas you dont lose the penalties when going from outside during the day into the building.

Maybe its only looking at the underground tag and not the interior/exterior tag as well?

On a related note, is it possible to move back the starting hour of "daylight" or this ability from hour 6 to hour 6 and 1 turn, or hour 6 and two turns?  A lot of the time since the sun just starts rising at 6 (visually at least) and with a little bit of lag, it doesnt look light at all at 6.  i've ended up in the rather silly situation many times where I'll transisiton right at 6, with a group, and squint and stumble around, only to have the it be completely dark still by the time the blindness wears off.. and have the whole party look at me and go "What?"  hehe

Annun Firith

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RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 09:53:00 pm »
-Moraken's Tower

I've discovered that if I walk into one of these indoor areas that isnt working properly right at dawn, I'll receive full penalties and the temporary blindness as if I had just walked from an underground or properly working indoor area out into the sun.

So, instead of just not making the penalties go away they are acting completely as outdoor areas for purposes of this feat.

I'll put together a list of areas that work properly so you can compare the properties of both sets.



RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 10:42:00 pm »
Best we can figure here is that the day blindness applies to all above-ground areas, whether interior or exterior.  I think the logic is that it's bright in comparison to the Underdark.  Most interior areas (taverns, shops, etc) are bright enough to hurt the eyes of an underdark denizen.
  This is a guess of course, based on observations by you and others.  I'm guessing also that this is the way it was intended to function.

Annun Firith

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RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2005, 05:35:00 am »
Dorganath - 11/10/2005  11:42 PM

I think the logic is that it's bright in comparison to the Underdark.  Most interior areas (taverns, shops, etc) are bright enough to hurt the eyes of an underdark denizen.

So is the the surface at night really, even when the moon isn't up (if there's ever a time when one of the moons isn't up.)  So at least a small amount of adaptation is assume for all PC drow even without the daylight adaptation feat.  It is, after all, daylight adaptaion, not starlight or moonlight or dim indoor light adaptation hehe (indoor areas during the day in the time before electricity and even in the time of gas lighting would seem incredibly dim compared to what we, in the age of 120 watt bulbs and flourescent tubes are used to.)

Anyway, that's my take on it.  However its not a big deal combat wise, as I can't think of anywhere that this issue applies where combat takes place (excepting something that might happen on a quest or someone luring creatures indoors.)

Its more of an RP thing since I emote squinting and being mildly uncomfortable when under the effects of daylight blindness, and it doesn't really feel appropriate to do so in these indoor areas.



RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
That's a valid statement about the night sky, but then the night sky is still orders of magnitude less bright than the interior of most buildings during the daylight hours.
  To borrow your light bulb analogy:  if we consider daylight above ground (inside or outsite) to be a 120 Watt light bulb, then the night sky is akin to a 4 watt night light...or even a small candle.


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RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2005, 06:15:00 am »
If I remember correctly... and I think I might...

The trigger is on the onenter and onexit scripts of the various areas.

The areas in question may not have the right calls on the scripts if they are using custom onenter scripts. Which some of them may be.

It's been a very long time since I did the system though. So I could be mistaken. But I seem to remember telling Leanthar about how to make different on enter and exit scripts for different areas dependong on if he wanted them to be considered this or that.

Could have been something else though. But worth looking at at least.


RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2005, 06:32:00 am »
I believe, except in very special, specific cases, all the areas use or at least call the same OnEnter/OnExit scripts. If it is the case regarding the trigger for these effects (and I can't look right now, so speculation will have to do), then those stock scripts must be looking to see what kind of area it is and applying things appropriately, since obviously some areas (underground areas for example) do not apply daylight blindness effects while others do...and I'm pretty certain they're all calling the same scripts.
  The questions still remain, though, how is it supposed to work and is it currently working as intended?


RE: Indoor Areas that are not tagged as indoors for daylight bli
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2005, 07:45:00 am »
I only want outiside areas to do the temporary blind thing (not indoors, caves, dungeons etc.).  But the problem is there is no GetIndoor function.  It is just underground or outdoors.  NWN considers Indoor to be outdoors (ie. not underground).  At least that is the problem that I think is happen.  This same sort of problem cropped up for the teleportation that we have in placed. I did not want it in certain areas but we could not get it to happen 100% correct due to that limitation.

