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Author Topic: Losing items upon crashing  (Read 158 times)


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    Losing items upon crashing
    « on: June 06, 2009, 06:50:19 am »
    Description- Since I've started playing again, and on a new computer running windows vista x64, I've been crashing a lot. Apparently, sometimes vista does not play well with NWN from what I've read around the intarwebs. Anyway, on two such occasional crashes, I've managed to lose an inventory item. First, it was my Helmet of Armor II, and most recently it was a stack of 3 Healer Kits +1 [the old kind]. The problem with this bug is, there's no notification that an item is lost such as in the chat bar. Losing the helmet was obvious, but had the healer kits not been in a quickslot, I would have never realized they were gone as I had three different stacks of them.

    Location- The healer kits were lost in the sinister forest, roughly 3:30am pacific time [~twenty minutes ago]. I noticed the helmet was gone in Dalos Lake, but it could have been gone a while at that point. I'm not sure what time that was, but it would have been early afternoon yesterday, June 5.

    Reproduceable- Not in any way that I've noticed. As far as I can tell I've only lost the two items, so it doesn't happen every time. Hooray for randomly occurring bugs.


    Re: Losing items upon crashing
    « Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 11:14:15 pm »
    Hmm...very odd. I'm personally running Vista x64 and have had no real problems with NWN running, and it's certainly not been crashy on me.  Just looking at that problem for a moment, do you have the latest video drivers?

    In any case, losing items due to a client crash is highly unusual, as your character is saved by the server when you disconnect. Out of curiosity, is there a chance of having issues due to an over-full inventory?  Had you tried dragging something from an equipped slot directly into a bag or other container? I'm wondering at the possibility of losing the item before the crash.

    I'm just rattling off ideas as to what might cause this, as it's not been observed ever before to my knowledge.


    Re: Losing items upon crashing
    « Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 01:24:29 am »
    Some items inventory bounce when you crash.  They'll jump to another spot in inventory, they'll also be cleared from any quickslots in the process.

    Throwing out more ideas since it seems a good idea!


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      Re: Losing items upon crashing
      « Reply #3 on: June 09, 2009, 07:11:15 pm »
      Thanks for throwing ideas out, I'm surely at a loss. At least on the bioware forums, it seems pretty hit and miss whether or not people will have issues with vista and nwn. I've tried all the ideas that other people have suggested in the stickied thread regarding vista, and nothing. My wife also has no issue with nwn on her laptop that's running vista. It's pretty frustrating though...

      Let's see here... I do have the newest drivers for my video card. I've got three pages in my inventory that are nearly empty, so that isn't a problem. I can't remember if I tried to drag the helmet directly into a bag, but I don't think so because I normally just quickslot between that and my hood of shadows. Actually, I don't even normally put the helmet in a bag, but I may have been overweight and stuck it into one. Is there a known issue with dragging slotted items directly into a bag from being worn? The healer kits were quickslotted, but always stay in a bag to save on weight. I've also checked every bag, and every page in my inventory multiple times hoping that I just overlooked it.


      Re: Losing items upon crashing
      « Reply #4 on: June 09, 2009, 10:54:34 pm »
      Yes!  Never, never put something directly into a bag from being worn.  I know from sad experience that it will sometimes drop, even if there is plenty of room in the bag.


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        Re: Losing items upon crashing
        « Reply #5 on: June 10, 2009, 12:07:52 am »
        I guess at this point I'll have to assume that's what happened. Funny I never saw any notification of it happening though.