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Author Topic: Lost Portion of CDT Post...  (Read 173 times)


Lost Portion of CDT Post...
« on: March 31, 2007, 10:11:32 am »
Well, not sure much can be done at this point, but I jsut noticed this morning that a huge portion of a post in Lyle's CDT was apparently lost in the move to the new forums.

The post was posted on 01-29-07, 01:45 AM and is entitled "Decisions of Heart & Shadow:  Part I".  Not much is left of the post aside from the title mentioned.  If the missing part can be somehow retrieved and replaced into the post, I'd really appreciate it.

I'll also be checking out the rest of his CDT as well as those of my other characters to see if I can spot any more missing stuff.  If I do, I'll post what references I can here as well.  Thanks in advance to whoever works on this with me.