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Author Topic: Furniture not responding - owner issue  (Read 346 times)


Furniture not responding - owner issue
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:21:12 pm »
player name: Xaltotun

character name: Xaltotun

Description: On furniture that I own I have tried to use the furniture tool to unlock locked boxes or rotate bookshelve, but am told that this item does not belong to me. I have relogged and tried again, but with no change.

Edit...Just remembered this: I ported from Central to West to get some crafting items from a chest in Hlint and that is when I first encountered this problem (and I noticed that all my spell slots were set to zero). I then rested and ported to Central to check if it was peculiar to West but got the same problem. The bit that was weird is that when I logged into Central, I got taken to the start area as if the server had been reset, but it hadn't.





Re: Furniture not responding - owner issue
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 01:45:22 pm »
sounds like you guys needs some "together" time?  Maybe you've been neglecting your furniture?  try a nice lemon polish rub, maybe a little time at home...I'm sure you and your furniture aren't so far gone that you can't find the spark again.


Re: Furniture not responding - owner issue - SOLVED
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 04:32:26 pm »
Solution found!!!!

Problem sorted but it may help others to know so I have not deleted this post.

The problem was that I had mis-typed my login name and a stray capital letter had gotten into the name. This did not stop my character being available to play in Layo, but it stopped the Furniture Tool accepting this name.

Once I noticed the cap and dropped it to lower case, the Furniture Tool now works on my furniture.

I will also take RollinsCats' advice and wax and polish my cherished items so they better remember next time around ;)  (and check my typing too)


Re: Furniture not responding - owner issue
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 10:07:21 pm »
Yuppers.... I had a similar issue when I typed a cap into my log in name accidentally. It won't stop you from playing but it will mess with your furniture....

