The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Bugs => Fixed Bugs => Topic started by: Grid Blader on September 17, 2007, 07:36:29 pm

Title: problem with Quantum
Post by: Grid Blader on September 17, 2007, 07:36:29 pm
Well I have been having this problem with Quantum for a while now.  I go to cast my buffs and after I have casted them all my buffs will disapear.  They get dispelled.  I checked his ac and magic wards and the buffs are gone.  I dont use the protection from evil, or the other spells that have been known to dispell.  There have been witness to this, a few gms have seen it also.  It has gotten worse.  I have to logg out then logg back in.  I am not sure, but I have been told by others it could be the class of Undead Slayer (Having 3 domains insteed of two which is Sun you get.  But I dont have the domain showing up either)  (Which confusses me also so if I could get a pm telling me why would be great thanks) I have.  If someone could check in to this for me please.  I have tryed to be carefull but a few death's have been caused by this.  I have gone in to battle fully buffed and get dispelled half way throw battle.  Happened on the Kandor Crypts Quest ran by Happy, almost died there.  The GM did not dispell me.  It dose not effect the people I cast the buffs on, atleast they have not told me it has.  

Thanks for your time in this matter.

Grid Blader
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: osxmallard on September 17, 2007, 09:48:34 pm
Are you casting magic circle against alignment?
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on September 18, 2007, 12:02:35 pm
**shivers** I hate the magic circle...
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: D Blaze on September 18, 2007, 01:02:28 pm
It's not the circle of protection that is doing it.

I asked him a few times a while ago to NOT cast it while we were collecting CNR, but still quite often... after all spells were cast (once, even before he was finished casting half his buffs, but generally within a minute or two), all his buffs and wards would strip from his character.

This is easily seen and verified by other players when all the visual effects on his character vanish, and a quick right-click examination to see all the effects that should be there, are not.

This can get somebody killed quite fast in even a moderate fight if they suddenly lose upwards of 10 or more points of AC from spells divine and/or arcane, along with all the other protections on their person.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Grid Blader on September 18, 2007, 05:46:15 pm
I am not casting magic circle against alignment.  (Been told not to becouse it will unbuff you)
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: ycleption on November 22, 2007, 02:18:03 am
Just to give external confirmation, I saw this happen twice: once the episode where he lost a soul strand, and later while in the rift.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Grid Blader on December 02, 2007, 05:40:31 pm
Ok, It has happened again.  (I dont have any loggs)  I was walking with a lot of sand with bulls str on.  I had it cast for like 5 mintes.  Then it faided away (I thought), not thinking about it I went to cast it again and the spell would not take,  so I tryed more spells none would take (It shows me casting them on myself but non took).  I check the charter sheet, and stats.  Nothing, I checked the loggs and it showed nothing.  I dont mean to complain but it has caused me to die more then a few times, and I have to 2 dt becouse of this.  I think there is a flaw in Q somewere, and it maybe in the undead slayer.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Hellblazer on December 03, 2007, 01:18:57 am
Q please see this ( I know my on line explanation might have been lacking so I have made a step by step on forum guide.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Weeblie on December 03, 2007, 09:08:18 am
Okay... just to debug this, but it's rather difficult without having such a character myself...

Are you using any unique ability for your PrCs? Any special item power? Does your class have any special auto-triggered unique ability (like... dispells)?
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Dorganath on December 03, 2007, 09:20:49 am
Actually the simpler question would be to find out if there are any other Undead Slayers who experience the same problem.  I know we don't have many, but it's a start.

One other question I had, and I know this may sound like a silly one, but is it possible that you are inadvertently hitting the R key?  I believe Quantum wears heavy armor (full/half plate) in combat, right?  Hitting the R could potentially initiate a rest which would be canceled the heavy armor.  It's been a long time since I've observed exactly what effect this would have on one's spells, so I'm not even 100% sure it will cancel buffs. I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: s0ulz on December 03, 2007, 09:25:57 am
Quote from: Dorganath
Actually the simpler question would be to find out if there are any other Undead Slayers who experience the same problem.  I know we don't have many, but it's a start.

One other question I had, and I know this may sound like a silly one, but is it possible that you are inadvertently hitting the R key?  I believe Quantum wears heavy armor (full/half plate) in combat, right?  Hitting the R could potentially initiate a rest which would be canceled the heavy armor.  It's been a long time since I've observed exactly what effect this would have on one's spells, so I'm not even 100% sure it will cancel buffs. I'm just throwing it out there as a possibility.

Hitting the R key and wearing Heavy Armor does not dispell. I constantly use the R key as an annoying habit and it's never done anything bad. Neither does it dispell if you hit R and are wearing lighter armor, just the timer isn't done yet.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Dorganath on December 03, 2007, 09:35:27 am
Alright, thanks.  I don't have any characters who wear heavy armor.  Though, when spells are dispelled may very well depend on who casts them.  If the one resting was the caster, I think it dispels immediately, not at the end of the rest period.  Again, I don't know if that applies when rest is canceled by heavy armor or not. Just looking at simple possibilities before we go around tearing things apart, rebuilding characters, etc.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: s0ulz on December 03, 2007, 09:39:48 am
I do know that when spellcasters hit R and are stopped by the timer, no spells are lost. Don't know about any casters who wear heavy armor, but I'm pretty sure it's the same.

Besides, Quantum, when this thing happens, loses all spells cast on him. Whether they are cast by himself or others. So I doubt it has something to do with armors somehow.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Xirion on December 03, 2007, 12:55:04 pm
I just tested it with my paladin and hitting the R-key while wearing heavy armor does not dispell. Think it would help to make it 100% sure!

Hope you can figure out what the cause for the bug is,

Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Hellblazer on December 03, 2007, 01:00:48 pm
I never had this problem with Lex myself, when i was still a UDS, but granted i was not at the same level of UDS as Q is.

Beside on some occasions when this happened to Q he was casting on me. The spells he casted on me did not dispel when his did. And the time it did dispel on him, he did not initiate a rest. Even if you initiate one and stops it the animation of the flying ZZZZ goes on.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: s0ulz on December 03, 2007, 01:06:57 pm
Quote from: Hellblazer
I never had this problem with Lex myself, when i was still a UDS, but granted i was not at the same level of UDS as Q is.

Beside on some occasions when this happened to Q he was casting on me. The spells he casted on me did not dispel when his did. And the time it did dispel on him, he did not initiate a rest. Even if you initiate one and stops it the animation of the flying ZZZZ goes on.

If it's stopped by the timer or due to heavy armor, no animation triggers. That's for sure.

If you never had the problem, might the dispelling piece of code be in one of the higher level feats/abilities of the UDS, like the perm Death Ward or something conflicting with spells cast?
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Hellblazer on December 03, 2007, 01:11:38 pm
I think it could, I'm no coder though. But then again if it was that, it would reoccur more often that I personally saw it happen to him. Might be a good idea to create a test char with the same level and splits Q has and try from there.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Filatus on December 03, 2007, 01:21:53 pm
Upon reaching levels 1, 3, 6, and 9 the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest caster class (Paladin or Cleric). However, he does not gain increased duration, effects or power.

Might this be the issue with how it is scripted? What if it suddenly takes the undead slayer prc as highest caster class?

Which would explain why Lex or other slayers didn't have the issue, but Q does. He's as far as I know the only one with more levels in Undead Slayer than in the caster class.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Hellblazer on December 03, 2007, 01:23:00 pm
No because the times I seen it happen to Q, he had just finished casting his spells, so the duration of spell has no meaning at this time.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: Filatus on December 03, 2007, 01:29:01 pm
Not talking about duration. But about NWN, or script or whatever does it (blatant ignorance of NWN revealed) making an error when determining the highest caster class.

Anyway.. looking at the difference between Q and other slayers, this is the onlyone I noticed. But only a look at the scripting by Weebs or Dorg could confirm this.

No sense in debating over whether or not it is the cause, since we have no way of telling.
Title: Re: problem with Quantum
Post by: jan on December 03, 2007, 08:44:58 pm
Quote from: Filatus
Not talking about duration. But about NWN, or script or whatever does it (blatant ignorance of NWN revealed) making an error when determining the highest caster class.

Anyway.. looking at the difference between Q and other slayers, this is the onlyone I noticed. But only a look at the scripting by Weebs or Dorg could confirm this.

No sense in debating over whether or not it is the cause, since we have no way of telling.

might be something in Q's equipment .
did he have the same problem -before- he made it to "shining hand " including the items that came with it ?