The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Bugs => Fixed Bugs => Topic started by: jan on April 06, 2007, 07:59:46 am

Title: Problems with resting
Post by: jan on April 06, 2007, 07:59:46 am
Over the last few weeks it keeps occuring that when i go resting i get kicked off the server.

This has repeatedly happend and i know that it atleast happens to one other char.

The screen i get tells me ( from my own comp) that nwn has made a fatal error and that it has to be closed down.

Mostly it happens when changing armor to normal clothes and the weird part is, that it doesnt happen with all rests but still it keeps repeating every now and then.

Not sure if its related to Layo or my own comp since i'm not one that understands computers a bit.

It happens when going resting , so normaly in a safe place,that is why i havent report it earlier.

Hope someone can make sence off this and possible find a solution.

Thanks for reading: Jan A.K.A. Barion
Title: Re: Problems with resting
Post by: Blackguy on April 06, 2007, 04:05:25 pm
This could be a client side error Jan. Try and reinstall nwn again, make sure you have the all the lastest Hak's. There was a update on the control hak yesterday, so make sure you get that aswell if you dont have it. If the problem still persists, I need a detailed report about what you do priot to this crashing.

Also if the other person that this happens to, could tell me, in detail, whats he or she does before this crash occours, it would help us alot.

Be sure to include what armor you trying to switch to and from, which modification you have done to it. What race, class you are playing. In which  place does this happen.

Thank you in advance.