The World of Layonara

The NWN Persistent World => Bugs => Fixed Bugs => Topic started by: jadewillow on January 30, 2011, 09:26:15 pm

Title: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on January 30, 2011, 09:26:15 pm
Just wondering, my half-orc ranger is level 10 and he does not get the dark silk or queen silk quests when he talks to the NPC. Are these only available at higher levels? Or is there some other restriction?

Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on January 31, 2011, 08:33:24 am
This is one of the quests in Center, right?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: osxmallard on January 31, 2011, 10:53:20 am
I can pick up both of these quests as a level 9.  Are you sure you are talking to the correct NPC's?  Little girl in wagon - Spider silk, Old lady in wagon - Queen silk, Young lady outside by fire - Dark silk?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on January 31, 2011, 02:34:57 pm
Yes, these are the quests in Center. I am speaking to the correct NPCs since I was able to get them with my other character Flynn.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorax Windsmith on January 31, 2011, 09:35:04 pm
Were you in party with someone else who had the quests completed already?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on January 31, 2011, 10:37:29 pm
Nope. I have the Queen Silk quest in my todo journal, but I can't turn any in. I can't even get the dark silk quest, and I did the regular silk quest.

Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Rowana on February 01, 2011, 02:20:42 am
Moved to proper forum since there seems to be something strange at work.

Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Jilseponie Wyndon on February 01, 2011, 09:40:34 am
Your Half-Orc character?  Maybe you scared the "silk" outta them.  *Winks*
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on February 09, 2011, 07:39:30 pm
Any ideas on this? Or do I need to ping a GM IG?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on February 09, 2011, 10:32:58 pm
What's the name of your half-orc?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on February 14, 2011, 07:03:10 pm
Tane Umaga
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on February 23, 2011, 10:01:28 pm
Any ideas on this, need to check the database? Can we do anything IG?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on February 23, 2011, 11:33:24 pm
Hey there, I've been away for a little over a week, so no, I haven't been able to check anything since getting the name of your character. It's not forgotten or anything, but I'm probably going to be playing a fair game of catch-up for a few days, given that work will likely be somewhat insane and personal time will be somewhat limited for that duration.  Thanks for the information provided so far, and if there's more I need, I'll be sure to ask.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on February 24, 2011, 12:00:36 am
No rush for sure. Just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost. Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on March 07, 2011, 09:07:34 pm
I'm not sure if this is even related, but now I am seeing an entry in Tane's quest journal tab with no heading. In the text it says...

"ERROR: blank journal entry: EXP_VOLTREX"
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on March 07, 2011, 10:26:38 pm
Probably (hopefully) unrelated.

OK, here's what I need from you at your earliest convenience.  You said you cannot get the dark silk quest, correct?  Can you please tell me what, exactly, the NPC says when you talk to her?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on March 08, 2011, 09:44:25 pm
For the Kati quest, I get "....are you interested in helping me out?"

And all I get is the '1. No Thanks' option


On the Talaitha Quest, it is in my ToDo tab and I have 10 Queen Spider Silks in Tane's inventory. This is what he gets.

"Back so soon are you....So far you have brought me 0 Queen Spider Silks, but I still need 10 to complete my pattern."

And all I get is '1. End Dialog'.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on March 24, 2011, 10:02:46 pm
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on March 24, 2011, 11:08:58 pm
Hey there...RL got real busy for me right around the time I asked the question above.  Things are calming down here in a couple days, so I should be able to get back to it.

I thought I had typed out a response to your answers, but apparently it remained unsent.  Anyway, thanks for the information. It will help greatly and let me better see what's happening for your character.  Bear with me a bit longer if you would.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on April 10, 2011, 03:08:41 pm
Just checking to see if RL has let you go for a few and you have an update on this?
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on April 19, 2011, 08:56:22 pm
Bump, bump
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on April 20, 2011, 08:37:28 am
Oh yes, sorry...working through it, but keep getting distracted. Not forgotten though!
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on May 03, 2011, 11:14:27 pm

I think I've figured out the problem in both cases.

The short answer:  Tane's not smart enough.

The longer answer: There are standardized steps and checks in the quest system which look for low intelligence, for the purpose of altering the dialog slightly (mostly in what the PC can say).  In these cases, the checks only look for normal or above intelligence, and there's no dialog options for low intelligence, which therefore means also that Tane is not presented with those options, and therefore gets only the "end" options by default, which keeps him from progressing through the tree.

Anyway, whether that made sense or not, I should have that corrected for the next update....the dialog problem, not Tane's intelligence. *winks*
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: cbnicholson on May 04, 2011, 08:34:54 am
*toothless grin* //sorry couldn't resist.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: lonnarin on May 04, 2011, 01:33:29 pm
Quote from: Dorganath

The short answer:  Tane's not smart enough.

That's the answer for most of my technical service problems at work as well!  Well, not Tane, but the end-user.  ;)
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on May 07, 2011, 08:50:10 pm
Hey, did you just call Tane stupid?

*toothless grin*

// thanks, that makes complete sense.
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: jadewillow on May 10, 2011, 10:59:04 pm
Looks like this is fixed with the last update.

Thanks Dorg!
Title: Re: Silk Quests
Post by: Dorganath on May 10, 2011, 11:17:31 pm
Thanks for your patience.