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Author Topic: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore  (Read 232 times)

devil driver

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    (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
    « on: December 16, 2006, 01:24:31 am »
    Hey im having a bit of a problem with lore, well before i had this same probelm about 3 months ago and gave up on it but now im more determined :)
     the problem is i have two copies of the game and play on laptop and desktop and have submitted and play characters from both computers.
    I can validate my cdkeys but when i try to send a letter they both had the same problem  it just says "cannot send a letter, you have no character to send as."   im wondering if two cdkeys could have caused this problem *shrugs* and if so is there a way to register both keys? i have atleast one character i submitted from this key for sure Robert Hearth. and  im wanting to try out the parchment folder with Ivin my other character and writing journal entries from IG and was told Lore is the route for that so if any advice/help could be provided would greatly appriecate it as allways :)

    p.s. also i have made a lore account in the pass when i tried this and gave up, dont know if that'll have an affect or not either.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
    « Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 01:35:57 am »
    It doesn't matter which CD key you submitted the character under (in fact you don't "submit" them with a CDkey at all)

    The characters will appear under the last CDkey they were played on.

    devil driver

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      RE: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
      « Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 01:37:06 am »
      i just heard also that i might just have to wait till lore updates, if this is a simple patients thing, then i wasted a bit of breath *laughs* and would be awsome to know that its just that.. and wished i'd known that 3 months ago.

      p.s. didnt see your post before i replied.. but i still get the "cannot send letter, you have no characters to send from." message, what is that from?


      RE: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
      « Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 08:50:20 am »
      (( I'm moving this post to the LORE bug reports section as that's where people typically report problems they're having with LORE. :D ))

      devil driver - 12/16/2006  4:24 AM

      Hey im having a bit of a problem with lore, well before i had this same probelm about 3 months ago and gave up on it but now im more determined :)
       the problem is i have two copies of the game and play on laptop and desktop and have submitted and play characters from both computers.
      I can validate my cdkeys but when i try to send a letter they both had the same problem  it just says "cannot send a letter, you have no character to send as."   im wondering if two cdkeys could have caused this problem *shrugs* and if so is there a way to register both keys? i have atleast one character i submitted from this key for sure Robert Hearth. and  im wanting to try out the parchment folder with Ivin my other character and writing journal entries from IG and was told Lore is the route for that so if any advice/help could be provided would greatly appriecate it as allways :)

      p.s. also i have made a lore account in the pass when i tried this and gave up, dont know if that'll have an affect or not either.

      More often than not the problem is with the [LORE=PublicCDKey] you've entered. Being that you haven't stated your LORE account name nor your character's name; I can only make a wild guess at what the problem really is.

      So, probably the first thing you should do is carefully follow the instructions on the [LORE=PublicCDKey] page and see if you end up with the same keys again. If so; reply here with the LORE account and character name and I'll do some debugging. Otherwise, let me know it's working and I'll close the bug report. :)

      devil driver

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        RE: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
        « Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 12:15:17 pm »
        ah ha, the bug was with the operator not the system :D,using odd instead of even on cdkey numbers.. if i only knew my Even's from Odd's i would've been fine *laughs* im able to send letters now and use lore to the fullest. can close this thread
        Thanks for your help!


        RE: (unsure of post placement) cdkey issue with Lore
        « Reply #5 on: December 16, 2006, 07:18:33 pm »