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Author Topic: Silence: Spell Description/Character Profile Accidental Cross-link  (Read 189 times)


Just noticed when I clicked the link to view the spell description for the spell 'Silence' LORE instead pulled up the character profile for a character by the name of 'Silence'.

In this specific instance I was clicking the link for the spell from within the Bard spell listings.  I'm not sure if this problem occurs in every instance of a link to 'Silence' as I have not checked any others.


RE: Silence: Spell Description/Character Profile Accidental Cros
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 04:47:41 pm »
Thanks for pointing this out.

We've had this problem before when a character has the same name as a spell. The character page that LORE creates overwrites the page created for the spell.

A new page for the Silence spell has been created. The link from the Cleric Spells should work correctly now.


RE: Silence: Spell Description/Character Profile Accidental Cros
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 08:18:09 pm »
Indeed, the link form Cleric spells is working correctly. However, the link from Bard Spells is still going to the character Silence instead of the spell description. Is there a way to fix the link there too, or will it always be messed up?

