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Author Topic: Oxen bug?  (Read 61 times)

Black Cat

Oxen bug?
« on: May 06, 2006, 06:10:06 am »
I ran into a slight problem with my oxen. Yes you've heard right OXEN.
As if caring for one isn't enough, now I have twin oxen.

They are stabled in Hlint Smithy and I took everything that was in the pack(s).

They seemed to be linked in some way, since once I emptied one pack the other was empty too. And now there is an empty pack on the ground I cannot put back on any ox. Really weird.

Can someone get rid of those twin oxen, I'll buy a new one. Or a simple server reset will set things right?

Name of char: Xandrian Mor.
Place: Hlint, Xin's smithy.

Black Cat

RE: Oxen bug?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2006, 01:50:13 am »
Well, as noone seems to care, I'll get rid of those two oxen (killing them) and buy a new one.
I'll do that as soon as I get back to Hlint

Black Cat

RE: Oxen bug?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 02:52:35 am »
The oxen have been eaten by the goblins.

But there are still two Ox Pack that belongs to no Ox on the ground in Xin's smithy in Hlint.
I hope it will be sorted out at the next server restart.

Xandrian Mor


RE: Oxen bug?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2006, 03:49:24 am »
You know, it's not that no one cares, it's that those of us who can take care of and look into these sort of things aren't always able to investigate quickly. For any perceived delay, I apologize.
  Having said that, this problem likely would have corrected itself upon either relogging or a server reset. That option is much more preferable to leading one's oxen to slaughter....or kiiling them oneself.

Black Cat

RE: Oxen bug?
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 04:31:00 am »
My apologize for that. I know you're all rather busy making the world click.
The relogging didn't work and I think there has been, if not a server reset, at least a reboot or something after a crash (not sure) and I still had two oxen and those bags lying on the ground I couldn't put back on the ox.

That is why I fed the goblins... but they had to pay with their lives, and it was kinda of fun seeing them slaughtered by an Ox. it took a few of them to kill it.

I'll go without an Ox until the next server reset, just to be sure things are back to normal.

best regards



RE: Oxen bug?
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2006, 06:40:46 am »
Actually, I just checked and the West server has been up for 56 hours now, so it hasn't reset in quite a while, though it could clearly use it.
  Anyway, thanks for reporting. Having two oxen was most likely due to lag.