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Author Topic: Unther Hardhammer - Implosion & Divine Relations  (Read 183 times)


Unther Hardhammer - Implosion & Divine Relations
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:24:40 pm »
Description: Unther Hardhammer's spell, Implosion won't start it's havoc wreaking even if I cast it on the ground near the foes, and/or on the foes, and wait for even 15-20 seconds after doing so, not making any other actions, not even moving at times.
Also, Unther's divine relations seem to be a little out of order.
I have been receiving "Dorand is Neutral towards your target", even when targeting characters that have a deity field. As I understand it, that message is displayed when the character in question has a blank deity field.
Also, which surprised me, was that Alazira (Ilsarean) and a few others displayed the correct status while in the Card Emporium ("Dorand is Enemied towards your target'S Deity") ("Dorand is Friendly towards your target's Deity").
Attached below is a short log file displaying Unther entering West server, using divine relations on Storold Doesscha and then on Alazira and the two others.
 Location: N/A

 Verified: N/A

 Reproducable: Yes, on both servers and after logging off and back in.


Re: Unther Hardhammer - Implosion & Divine Relations
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 05:06:48 pm »
the Neutral message also comes up for when the target's deity is filled in with a deity who is neutral to your god  *shrugs*

