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Author Topic: Emotes and language ear on quest not working  (Read 103 times)


Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« on: July 05, 2008, 09:00:38 pm »
Bio ware: Rain Darus

time: during the a girls dream

I have noticed today that I am having problems with my emotes and Language ears on the Quest servers, but they are running fine on the other two servers.

I couldn't use any commands to roll or talk in Sil'via elvish tongue.


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Re: Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 09:07:50 pm »
had the same problem today on the innocent investigation quest. I couldn't use any emotes or the language ear. I decided to quit the quest when I wasn't even able to follow the other questers when I couldn't get the captain to initiate conversation with my char. I passed my cursor on him but the talk icon never appeared. If I clicked on him nothing would happen, I wouldn't even move to it, while all the others had succeeded before and after me, to go to their next point. Before leaving I tried talking to the dock shop worker and the pawnshop worker and it was fine, then retried the ship captain and nothing would happen.


Re: Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 10:54:23 pm »
Try resetting your router/firewall.  I've had similar issues with the listener (working on one server and not on another).


Re: Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2008, 01:34:17 am »
I don't go through a router, and have no firewall set up on this comp.


Re: Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2008, 01:45:58 am »
Try resetting your computer DSL/Cable modem then, or perhaps even your computer.

Listener problems can be very non-deterministic, and very non-consistent between users. In a technical sense there's absolutely no difference between the West module running on the West server and the West module running on the Quest server.  They're exactly the same file.  

I've had people who could use emotes on all servers as a player, but almost always had a problem with the listener on the Central server and only as a GM. I had a couple people who play on the same LAN have the exact same listener problem, and resetting their router/firewall/modem did the trick.

Sometimes server resets (which I'm doing now for Quest) will do the trick, but if not, I recommend resetting client-side equipment, as I have had some success with that solution in the past.


As for your other reported problem, when one cannot get a conversation from an NPC like a captain, that usually means that the NPC was replaced by one from the palette, perhaps due to it getting accidentally killed or removed somehow in-game, especially when you can talk to other NPCs and not that one.  On the off-chance though that there is something wrong with the captain as it's built in the module, knowing which captain it was is very important to determining if there's a module bug that needs to be fixed.


Re: Emotes and language ear on quest not working
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2008, 03:36:52 am »
Will try that. Thanks