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Author Topic: Another Ox Pack Bug  (Read 184 times)


Another Ox Pack Bug
« on: April 15, 2007, 03:21:09 pm »
This one is strange. There is an ox pack on the ground about 15 feet from my ox. My ox pack is functional. I can put stuff in it, take it out, and load it back on my ox. I got a tell from someone that my stuff was showing up in the pack on the ground. After I put stuff in my pack and load it on my ox, it shows up in that other pack on the ground. I need the pack on the ground to be destroyed or removed so other people cannot take my stuff... PC is Stygian Achnuman.



Re: Another Ox Pack Bug
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 04:19:26 pm »
I don't believe this is a bug, and you probably do not want us to destroy the pack.

What probably happened though is you logged out/crashed with the pack off your ox, then logged back in some time later.  

An ox pack should never be left off of an ox for any longer than it takes load/unload it.  To do so risks losing everything in it due to someone taking it, server crash or even a normal reset.

I strongly advise that you empty your ox pack and keep it empty until the next server reset.


Re: Another Ox Pack Bug
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 04:42:03 pm »
Closing this as player procedures have been broken. If the problem persist, please make a new thread.

