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Author Topic: OX Bug  (Read 172 times)


OX Bug
« on: April 15, 2007, 08:20:19 pm »
Dorg, this is a bug and is stemming from the problem that caused me to have 11 ox packs last night. You guys just got rid of 10 of them and left the one other by the tree. There was no procedural issue on my part as far as crashing/logging out without putting it back on. When I logged on after the update the only option my ox gave was removing packs, and no matter how many were removed, no option to ever put one back on was offered. I could not stay up past 1:30am to have the whole ordeal fixed before I logged out for the night, so there were still 11 when I went to bed. Can you just kill the ox and I'll buy another. I have nothing in the pack because whatever is in it shows up in that second darn pack 15 feet away. I have like 200 pounds over my weight limit on me and cannot do much until I can either buy a new one or have this one fixed. I know you're busy, sorry for the hassle.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 09:15:05 pm »
Update: killed ox, bought new one, items put in new ox pack, when other pack on the ground opened all my stuff is visible and can be removed.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 09:56:40 pm »

It would help greatly if you could describe when (time stamps and all) and how the extra packs appear. It's not normal, and probably lag-induced.  I'd suspect if it were a system-wide thing, everyone would be experiencing it.

Killing your ox won't do anything really.  The ox itself is created on login and destroyed when you log out.  In effect, each time you log in, you get a new ox.  Your ox pack is linked to the database. This is the only thing that's really persistent about the whole thing, and it gets created and destroyed in-game by taking it off/putting it on the ox.  

Killing your ox and letting you buy a new one would break the association between you and your current ox pack, but if there is some other problem that is causing duplications, then it will reappear.

What we'd like to see is the steps it takes to reproduce this.

I'd suggest if you wish to try and reproduce this, that you do so after the next server reset.  Starting when there's already several copies of your ox pack doesn't necessarily give a good test.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2007, 10:10:05 pm »
Thanks Dorg. The duplication is no longer taking place. There is just the extra one ox pack on the ground. My current Ox is fine and I can take off his pack and put it on with no problem. The issue is that whatever I put in his pack also appears in the second ox pack laying next to the tree... I need to somehow have that ox pack laying on the ground eliminated.

Description: Duplicate Ox pack on ground, whatever I put in my ox pack shows up in that one too.

Location: If you are facing the crafthall in Port Hempstead, it is next to a tree on the right side of the building.


Reproducable: Yes.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2007, 11:13:02 pm »
Put in proper bug format.... See above post.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 12:32:54 am »
The one remaining pack has been destroyed, I must have missed it when I cleaned up after discovering the bug.


Re: OX Bug
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2007, 01:34:30 am »
No prob... Little bugger was hiding. Thanks for taking care of it...