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Author Topic: GWS IV ~ Medusa weapon bug  (Read 228 times)


GWS IV ~ Medusa weapon bug
« on: August 29, 2007, 04:36:28 am »
Description: My character Nyeaeana recently got Greater Wildshape IV.  The Medusa shape comes equipped with a compound mahogany long bow.  No where in Lore or any NWN documents have I read about this shape having a bow.  According to Lore, Medusa attacks are as follows:

Claw/Claw 1d6+4/1d6+4 (20/x2)
Bite 1d4+4 (20/x2)
OnHit: Poison [DC=20] 1d2 Str (Medium Spider Venom)
The +4s come from the base 19 STR of this shape by the way, not any special weapon bonuses.  

I am assuming this is a layonara custom.  This is spiffy except for one problem.  No ammo.   I equipped some arrows, but when I shift all, my equipped items are removed as part of the shifting.  Also, I can not equip items when in a shifted form.  Thus there is no way for me to use the bow with out getting a "No Ammo" message.  End result is I have a shape lacking any form of combat attacking.

I ask that this shape be set back to NWN default or the ammo issue be resolved.

Location: NA


Reproducible: I can demonstrate.

