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Author Topic: Crafting Dark Padded Armor.  (Read 67 times)


Crafting Dark Padded Armor.
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:48:24 am »
Description: Dark padded armor appears to be listed incorrectly. The listed ingredients are 3 bolts of dark silk, one pattern, and one thread: padding is conspicuously absent. Even if you put the ingredients on the dummy, you are unable to craft the armor (see attached image). I tried putting silk padding in as well (which is used in non-padded dark silk armor), and that didn't work, so my guess the missing ingredient is dark silk padding.

Location: Both the tailoring recipe cards, and the tailoring dummies.


Reproducable: yes

(editorial: if it does require dark silk padding, that's a lot of a relatively difficult to acquire cnr for that kind of recipe, imnsho).


Re: Crafting Dark Padded Armor.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2007, 11:26:40 pm »
Recipe error....sorry about that.

This is fixed in the database and should take effect with the next server update.  Note that each server is independent and a reset on one will not affect the recipe on another.