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Author Topic: Handbook outdated?  (Read 58 times)


Handbook outdated?
« on: December 13, 2009, 05:34:09 pm »
I downloaded the full Layonara Handbook the other day and have been printing it out to review.  I am noticing that the names of towns/cities are not what they are in game and the maps too.  I noticed tha the "start here" for new players and all associated "maps/races/towns etc. are up to date.

Not sure if this is a bug.  I understand that keeping a world like this takes much time and effort and you all do it for fun only and I commend your efforts.  Can a GM or World creator tell me if there is any plans to update the handbook to relflect actual world content?  

From a noob standpoint it could quite confusing if they start out with the handbook instead of the "start Here" section.  Just curious if there is any plans on updating the handbook?, becasue if not, then I can stop printing the pages i guess.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Handbook outdated?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 05:42:06 pm »
There is a new handbook being working on right now by the team. There has been a lot of changes to the world since the handbook was out.

But the team has done a wonderful work and passing the info as its sorted , the handbook will be not available soon, maybe but the info is out there.

Check out [LORE]Our Lore Page [/LORE] and there you can find what has been updated this far. from the changes on the [LORE]Gods[/LORE] To the [LORE] updated maps[/LORE]

Not to say that you could look for updated info on the kinddoms by the search feature.

Hope this serves to clear any doubt you were looking too


Re: Handbook outdated?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 05:47:01 pm »
I would stop printing the pages. A new handbook has been in the works for a few years. Due to some unforeseen circumstances it has delayed. The one you have now is from when we were fighting Sinthar Bloodstone and were being called by Oslo the gold dragon to help fight him.

Lots has changed since then.

Most of the updated information can be found here.

If you have specific questions that are not covered there then post them here.

Looks like Lance beat me to it :)


Re: Handbook outdated?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 05:49:05 pm »
Oh yes. Oh, there are plans. Many many plans. ;)

The handbook you have gotten your hands on is indeed outdated at the moment, and newer content has been released onto LORE since the .pdf handbook was released several years ago. This lore is also being compiled into more than one new handbook, but until they are released the most current lore is reflected on LORE.

As a note, many of the names changed when we released Version 3 (V3 update) a couple of years ago. A couple of the names were close to location names from other realms and fantasy worlds, and so there was a move away from any potential copyright infringements. A few were also changed for other reasons, I believe, though an example does not come immediately to mind. You'll still see the old names crop up now and then (for example, Port Hempstead was once Port Hampshire, and the Silkwood was the Sielwood).

The old handbook does still have some good info, and it's a nice reminder of how much the world has grown. However, at present I'd recommend just keeping a .pdf version on your computer and referring to LORE for the most current world information, or asking any specific questions in the Ask A Gamemaster forum. Coincidentally, this is also where you can see the "Ask the Loremaster" threads, documenting many of the LORE updates as we move over new information!


Re: Handbook outdated?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 05:58:20 pm »
thank you all for replies.  I was assuming it was in the works as Layonara isnt just a few people making a all have created a fantasy world that is both fun, challanging and exciting...*cheers

I did stop printing once I saw the inconsistancies.  I am a person who does like to print off documents and put them in a binder and read now and then for reference.  Ill use the LORE page for any future reference till new handbook is released whenever.

Keep up the outstanding job everyone who reads this and has contributed in the creation of Layonara.  Us gamers love all that you do to make our "get away from the real world for a while" an enjoyable expierence....just doesnt get said enough....


Re: Handbook outdated?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2009, 02:53:03 am »
Quote from: Warchild214
Keep up the outstanding job everyone who reads this and has contributed in the creation of Layonara.  Us gamers love all that you do to make our "get away from the real world for a while" an enjoyable expierence....just doesnt get said enough....
You are very welcome :)

Each time a section of LORE gets updated, I post in "Ask the Gamemaster" and name each topic "Ask the Loremaster:....." so that everyone can keep track on what's getting updated.

Enjoy :)