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Author Topic: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *  (Read 845 times)


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2008, 03:22:48 am »
*Chaynce lingers outside the hall watching people come and go, he does not go in, he paces back and forth*

*he mutters* I really should go find Ranger Bear.

*he mutters a bit more and wanders off, helm on to hide the tear*


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2008, 03:47:51 am »
Waiting to meet Abigail Jin instead finds the.  He reads it  howls. A cry of anguish. Why wasn't he told in person he growls to himself.  A  deep sadness enters him as he recalls Abi's mother and then Abi.  

Abi you were a spirit like your mother.  Great of passion and full of life.  In your young life you touched lives of a thousand people.  Like the butterfly who's wings caused the monsoon you created change.  What ever you did you did with passion and the mark of greatness.  

You roamed the forests as a free creature.  A hunter and a wolf.  A friend of the Longstrider for ever.  You protected your friends with all your heart.  You were never afraid to fight a battle for a cause you believed in.  Even if you were over matched from the beginning.  You challenged the very gods of Layonara and the gods responded.

You will not be forgotten.

I will take your life within the memories of my heart.  I will teach the pups of your tale.  I will continue your quest.

Till we meet again in the forests of the Prince of Wolves.

Jin pens a note to Barion for the arrangements of the funeral service.  


With my heart I will be honored to assist in the conduct a service for Abigail Firesteed friend of the Longstrider.  The service should be conducted in a place close to her heart.  The would near her village would be the ideal place.

May the Longstrider Grace You,

Jin Lun Lee


Jin would really like to be involved in the service.  The guild hall is nice but Abi was a creature of the wild and a service in the woods seems appropriate.  We will need a GM to help recreate Abi's home village.

Also for those on Abi's CDQ quest we will continue the quest in honour of Abi.  At the last episode the quest was timebubbled so it may be possible for Abigal to make a final appearance.

Inny promised to bring back Abi for the final of the quest if she permed.  I have it in my logs files.  However I am not sure if this can be done.  We will need the approval of a senior GM to do this.



Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2008, 04:30:52 am »

i totally agree and i already told a few in char that Abi will be joining her mother in the village she grew up .

There are few minor problems though

A : We will need to find a time that suits most , since Abi mostly played at times i wasn't there that might prove difficult .

B : The village is a secret hidden one and therefor Barion can not and will not just let everybody know were it is .
This is not to try and keep people away , but partially a result of Sa'kura's cdq and my personal use in my cdt :(

Scifi is the one with final word on everything , because even while Abi permed , it still is her char .



Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2008, 06:18:16 am »
//I think this would be a grand idea.

My schedule is pretty open right now. Saturdays anytime after 18:00 gmt would be best. Though i can work most days and times right now. :D

As afar as the village, due to recent events in the thunderpeaks and the villages proximity to them. One could surmise that many villagers would have either tried to escape, or that another way into the valley was opened since the thunderpeaks themselves have changed so dramatically.

I will leave this to you though as I would be happy no matter what you come up with.


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 08:38:32 am »
*upon entering the Basher store, brunhilde sees the notice...and speaks sadly to herself...

"Ach! Poor lass, oi only met ye a few toimes as oi shopped in ere. Ye was always respectful of de kin an had a cheery smile fer me. Yer dwarfish wasnt dat bad eider, ye had a gud teacher. Oi will miss ye lass."

*She then leaves the basher store and enters the guildhall to pay her respects. Seeing Abi is nearly buried in flowers and small tokens she quietly goes to work and neatly rearranges the flowers so that Abi is surrounded in a lovely halo of flowers, still accessible to all who come to pay their respects. She leaves the red rose on her breast.

She gathers the small tokens and places them near the young cherry tree, as it seemed proper to her after reading Barions note.

"Der, na young lady, na ye friends can see ye agin. May Vorax receive you in is halls as a friend ifn eer ye visit and wateer gods ye be praying ta keep ye safe."

*She then wipes a tear from her eye and heads out to the nearest inn to raise a mug of ale to the young pink haired lass.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2008, 01:10:03 pm »
* Kobal Bluntaxe visits the guildhall to say fare well. As he stands at her body he  offers a minute of silence before speaking quiet words meant for no one but Abigail. *

A free spirit ye roamed deh world at yer whim an' w'erevar ye felt needed, offerin' action alongsoide words. Ye did much good an' many folk owe ye deir gratitude, lass. Aldough short, ye lived well.

Rest well, dwarf-friend. Oi pray dat ye will foin' peace an' happyness in deh lands of deh wolf-lord.


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2008, 01:19:29 am »
Each of the friends of Abigail Firesteed receive a letter inviting them to this service.


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2008, 05:59:57 pm »
*Kyle enters Orc Basher's and prays at Abigail's cairn. A lone tear falls as he places a bouquet of pink roses beside her and a small pendant carved with the standard of Ilsare.*

He whispers..."So the love of all of us can go with you Abigail." He steps away and heads for the door.


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2008, 06:11:26 pm »
*When everyone's attention seems to be elsewhere...a young man slips over and places a drawing in her hands. The drawing looks like it was started long ago...but was recently finished. A noticible ink stain can be seen on one of the edges*

Cole Pandorn just stares at Abigail...not really believing what he is seeing. When he finally moves...his voice cracks as he pays his respects.

"May the Longstrider watch over on your new journey, Abi."

*Cole pulls up his hood and leaves whistling for Baltor as he leaves Hempstead.*

Grid Blader

Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2008, 01:36:53 am »
*Q stands out side of the guild hall, watching people walk in and out.  He wears a dark cloak and dark hood pulled tightly over his face.  He looks to be stands watch in he shadows not moving praying slent prayers.*


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2008, 08:49:57 am »
*Eghaas who is dressed in his tweed suit makes his way into the Orc Bashers hall. As he approaches the peaceful form of Abigail  his steps quicken and he bursts into tears his hands gently stroking her hair*

What have you done to yourself? Why did you have to go? Did I not tell you to be careful so many years ago?*he says after carefully taking some  crumpled flowers out from his bag he places them gently on Abigail's chest.*

May you rest in peace Abigail, *he says gently kissing her forehead softly...he then brushes his shirt and jacket and makes his way out of the Hall not looking back*


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2008, 03:26:17 pm »
The note finally reaches Dur'Thak. Typical of his nature, he does not read the note for some time, as he continues his research on various topics.

After some time, he rests in his Library, looking over the one piece of mail he's received in ages. To any who could see him, his near constant tail lashing slows to a halt, as if he slowly turned to stone.

Silently he motions for Nix to follow. The two make their way through the house portal and slowly towards Abigail's current resting place.

As Dur'Thak approaches the guild hall, he does not enter. He remains outside, observing Abigail's remains and those who come to pay their respects. He makes no effort to hide his heritage, as his tail can be seen swaying slowy under his cloak.

The always excitable imp, Nix, seems to reflect his masters mood as he perches quietly on his shoulder, occasionally sniffling and mentioning something about "pinky". The two stay there for a long time, like some sort of fiendish guardian. Any who approach Dur to speak or offer comfort only receive a cold, hollow stare.

Dur'Thak remains watching for a very long time.


Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #32 on: June 21, 2008, 03:45:01 pm »
Found placed under her hands, is a crafted Silver Rose, with a bright red Fire Opal set within the center of the flower.  On the largest flower pedal is written:

To a loving young woman, from someone who will miss her smile.
~Shiff and Family


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Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2008, 02:53:11 pm »
Having been gone on walk about to try to find a new source of mahogany wood, Dalan returns to Fort Vehl.  Stopping by the temple for his own business, he hears the news of the daughter of a knight dying.  Pushing his way past some novices, he confronts one of the priests of the temple who tells him of the sad news of Abbie's death.
 Upon hearing the news, his face drains of all color and a muttered curse is said under his breath.  Not saying a word, he turns and stomps out of the temple to the dock.  There he dumps a load of what appears to be cut wood into the ocean.  Buying a bird from a local vendor, he sends a brief note to Grenna saying only " I know not when I be back, I just heard of her death." Luv Dalan.  With that sent he buys a ticket on the first outgoing vessal he can find to "who knows where."

