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Author Topic: Tonight's RP - Thank you!  (Read 211 times)


Tonight's RP - Thank you!
« on: November 15, 2005, 11:03:00 pm »
My gratitude and respect go out to the player of Silool Baraeth (whose surname I can never spell properly), with whom I just had the enjoyment to spend nearly two solid hours RPing with, with a heavy focus on the relationship between Pyyran and Silool. Great RPing, truly, and there was more character development for Pyyran to come out of it than I could have imagined. I never really got to play him in-depth in the mid-lower levels, so going through what brought him to be the man he eventually became... To allow my eloquence to slip, it was freakin' awesome. I haven't had the opportunity, or impetus, to write terribly descriptively in quite some time, especially when dancing the line of propriety as closely as I am able. And then, of course, getting to the point where one has to throw in a story ellipses, because there's only one direction things go after that. Come on, Silool's a Xeenite. And Pyyran's... Well, male.  It was great RP; best I've had on the server yet, with only a few incidents coming close, all of which were Plot-related.  Though, the reason I wanted to post here was actually more towards a suggestion for anyone and everyone...  RP. Whenever you get the chance, RP. A lot. Deeply. You never know when a DM might be around, to signify the advancement in your character's life with some mechanical representation...