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Author Topic: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!  (Read 265 times)


Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:56:37 pm »
Hello everyone!

Not sure if this is the right area to ask this question but . . .

I have made a new character named Gard Ironjaw - a dwarven ex-slave who had his tongue ripped out decades ago, and as such is now unable to communicate verbally. Already, after only a few hours, he is proving a delight to RP as other characters work in and around his limitations. I hope this is going to be fun for me and others who encounter him ... anyway, the problem arises when it comes to doing his CDT. He has not had the background to be able to learn the written form of either common or Dwarven. He's a mute so he cannot dictate to someone else.

Anyone got any good ideas on how to maintain a form of a CDT that is in keeping with this character? I thought about doing his CDT like a stream of consciousness snapshot of his thoughts at a particular point in time? Is it unfair to send an OOC tell at the end of a RP session or an adventure run asking another person to add a paragraph or two in their own CDT about Gard's involvement in the quest or 'conversation'?

What do you think?


Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 05:00:30 pm »
I did something non-written for my CDT for Jet. Jet never would keep a journal, just didn't seem like his thing. So instead I did some reflections, where Jet would recall past experiences and relate them to current events. It was sort of like a mental process I had for others to read. Sometimes I had Jet act out scenes also, scenes where he was alone, but scenes nonetheless.

Hope that gives you at least some idea :)


Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 05:02:44 pm »
I fully agree with Ne'er there - the CDT is a thread - not necessarily a tangible journal on your character's person. I'd say give it a go in any way that your character would try to relate things to himself :) Have fun!


Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2006, 05:17:11 pm »
I think the character developement thread can be anything you want...  It could be a collection of reflections or memories.  I dont think there is anything that says it is a journal or book.  Could he make symbols in the sand that wash away with the tides?  Or pictures drawn on a cave wall, or for that matter pictures in a book that remind him of events?  It is a thread, not necessarily a journal.  Could it start out as pictures with him slowly learning to write?

Just some thoughts!

Pen N Popper

Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2006, 06:12:26 pm »
Perhaps I am mistaken, but I don't think it is required your CDT be in-character.  If you're a creative story writer, it can be fun.  If not, noting milestones in your character's life in an OOC list is fine too.

The CDT is for you to revisit over time, to help you stay focused on your PC's personality, goals, difficulties, etc.  It is also used as a reference for the GM team should they ever interact with this PC (via CDQ, WLDQ, PRC request).

My opinion, of course.


Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2006, 06:17:04 pm »
Yup, once or twice I have had my CDT be the start of a story of a character, divided into chapters. Sadly, I never got far with those characters. :(

But yeah, that is a definate possibilityas well that is always fun to try.

Grid Blader

Re: Question about CDT - 'Opinionate' to heart's content!!
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2006, 05:33:34 am »
Make it in to memories.  I was thinking of doing that for another charter of mine.  I never got started on it, but always though it would be a cool idea.