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Author Topic: All I can say!  (Read 40 times)


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    All I can say!
    « on: April 27, 2006, 01:55:55 pm »
    I had to take a moment to say this.

    I've been playing P & P RPGs since I was in the sixth grade (and a lot of water has rolled under the bridge since then).  I've never got into the online aspects, because of internet connection problems and economy.  

    Between the people I have met (and I've only just started) and the adventures I've enjoyed so far, I have to tell you that this is the RPG experience I have been looking for.  And I'm sure I've only just scratched the surface!

    Thanks to Leanthar for creating this world, the design team and DMs who so diligently work to make it all possible, and to all the players that I have met thus far who have made me feel very welcome, even with all my stumbles as I adjust to online play.

    Oh, and pardon my waxing all mushy and such ;)


    Re: All I can say!
    « Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 02:00:16 pm »
    You are quite welcome! :) The teams work a lot of long hours that is for certain. I have also watched this community grow and prosper and on top of that the community as a whole has stayed mature, constructive, and helping which I think is what makes it so special. No thanks should be going to me, it is the teams and the community as a whole.

    Glad you are having a good time.


    RE: All I can say!
    « Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 11:44:13 pm »
    i agree it is the best game ive played


    Re: All I can say!
    « Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 07:47:56 am »
    Rock on, mate.

