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Author Topic: A Reminder About Level Progression  (Read 111 times)


Re: A Reminder About Level Progression
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2006, 08:09:26 pm »
*removed text, it's a long time ago...*


Re: A Reminder About Level Progression
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2006, 10:32:07 pm »
I lost my main character Glenn a few days before Addison was lost. I played him for a year (almost to the day) and put quite a lot of myself into him. Over the 12 months that I played he built up great friendships, crafting skills, history, and fighting style. That is all I will say about Glenn. My real point is I know how Osx feels and I understand the drive to get back into the mix. It takes so long to get into place where your character is accepted into the upper ranks and able to go on quests and be part of parties that are doing some of the more challenging things on layo. I moved my time to one of my other characters Wren (Glenns brother) and I played with Lil quite a lot. She RPd a lot and hunted a lot, she quickly became a leader, and she helped others in their quests and outings. I for one have no issue with the way that Lil came up. I know that Osx had some time off during July nad he dedicated that time to working on Lil. I feel Lil is inline (levelwise) with the amount of hours put into play. Anyway that is my rambling two cents :)


Re: A Reminder About Level Progression
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2006, 07:12:19 am »
osxmallard - 8/17/2006  11:09 PM

I'll step up to the plate on this one since I can't help to feel paranoid in this thread...


Fact: She made every level up to 13 with characters at her level or close to her level. She made it without looping, exploting, or cheating the system. She just had the massive amounts of playtime to accomplish those goals.


I dislike how people hide behind allusions to my character instead of manning up and saying something directly to me, the player. Noone ever had a word to say when Lilly either saved you or helped you get through areas in your party. Here's my metagame promise... I won't party with you again. Ever. Count on it.  RP reason?  I really don't need one.


I ask the players to stop griefing me about this situation. I am truly sorry that by levelling too quickly I ruined your fun. Stop ruining mine and worry about yourselves and own characters for a change. Let me know how it feels when you lose your primary character, particularly one you put a lot of heart and effort into to get them where they are today.  I am definitely not dinging on or discrediting anything about the Cole's and Gotak's out there, because believe me, I feel your pain.

To be fair, osxmallard, I really don't think this thread is targeted at you.  Unless you took the distinctive 1 level of fighter before devoting time to other classes (I really have no idea, I think I might have run into your character once in my time on layo), it doesn't sound as though you've done anything that can be censured.

The human 1st-level-fighter/19th-level-whatever build is fairly common among powergamers (though not on Layo, for the most part), so Orth was probably just making a general statement for some of the new players.  Threatening metagame exclusion seems a bit, well, yes, paranoid.  I don't see anyone complaining that their fun has been spoiled by a rapidly-levelling individual - Orth was just pointing out that builds should be primarily focussed on RP, not game mechanics.

Furthermore, there was no reference anywhere in the thread to anyone not pulling their own weight in a party - and goodness knows, if anyone's guilty of that, it'd be Kell.  In close proximity to melee fighters, he tends to last about as long as an ice swan swimming in boiling oil.  He sits back and launches arrows into combat-preferably from a flanking position.  There are spellcasters (arcane and divine) and rogues who, at the lower levels, are generally not much help in combat, but tag along anyway.  It happens.  For you, clearly, it didn't.  Good for you - but no one (at least in the context of this thread) implied otherwise.

If characters are griefing you, report it in the thread for that purpose - but don't attack an innocent statement.  I'm very sorry if you're enduring persecution by others for your own efforts in Layo, but this thread is not adding to it - don't allow a reactionary attitude to draw undeserved criticism.  As far as I could tell, this was an abstract thread, so don't make yourself its target by inference.