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Author Topic: Whats on your Layo Bucket List?  (Read 1656 times)

Guardian 452

Whats on your Layo Bucket List?
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:38:14 pm »
This talk of the (possible) end of NWN Layo made me think of this question today. What is on your NWN (version of) Layo bucket list for any or all of your characters?Those who dont know what a bucket list is... its something you want to do before you "kick the bucket" (die)  
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AdenSee Ulam
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 04:14:11 pm »


  1. See Ulam Forrest
  2. <missing>
  3. See <missing> burn and fall
  4. Be transformed into a eagle for a day
  5. Be transformed into a wolf for a day
  6. Play a trick on a Rofie
  7. Play a trick on a Gnome


  1. <missing>
  2. Finish <missing>.
  3. Cause a <missing>!


Hm... good question... I need
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 04:20:32 pm »

Hm... good question... I need to think about that one...


Guardian 452

Enzo - Visit the Great Oak
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2013, 06:25:33 pm »

Enzo - Visit the Great Oak (again).

See Iansalan "The Wolfs Abode" (again) Folians temple on Voltrex


Dot - Reach Level 21, Start WM levels

Reach level 40 and get Dev Crit.


Raghnall - Become High Hammer of Dorand like his hero & inspriation Baron Ta'karsh Blacklung




Andrew - achieve something
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2013, 07:33:36 pm »

Andrew - achieve something meaningful with the Heartsong.

Ty - achieve something meaningful, period.

Marion - 5th rank or higher in Siphe.



Sty - Contribute to damaging
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2013, 09:39:29 pm »

Sty - Contribute to damaging the astral locks, thereby allowing half race player characters again. ;-)

Bart - Will have to think about it.



I want to explore Rodelm and
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2013, 03:21:56 am »

I want to explore Rodelm and Arnax fully with a dream team of sightseers, and reach the bottom of those dungeons we all call "Death traps".  Had a blast in one of them with Steel's suicide squad group a few days back.



Brualot,like to do one last
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2013, 06:52:53 am »


like to do one last epic investigation, touching as many remaining characters as possible one way or another, crossing their stories along the way.


A grand adventure -something deep and druidy, perhaps revolving around the great oak, or the search for Rhizome, with a shape changing twist of course!

Arfur Dumas,

Like to rekindle the Dumas spirit with all four Dumas dudes in a heart warming heroic farce - buckling their swashes.


He really needs to understand what the Gnomish clock was all about!


I'd like the chance to get him to epic and sober levels with some stories befitting a wild eyed and whacky Dwarf!




Guardian 452

How could I forget.... Enzo -
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2013, 12:35:25 pm »

How could I forget....


Enzo - Obtain the recipe for the mythical 3 berry pie! Serve it to his companions on trips thru The Deep. Corner the pie market and become a billionaire.



My bucket list: -Get Steel to
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2013, 01:54:46 pm »

My bucket list:

-Get Steel to 40th in some manner other than grinding trollocs (though slaying a few here and there is still fun, heh).

-I think three to five more levels for Sahala so she is mechanically viable (what was I thinking when I built her? Oh, right, she was designed to buff a certain monk and hide behind him and emerald constructs... well that doesn't work anymore...).

-Find the story that leads Chunks into becoming an Agent of the Realm.

-Find a few more troll ears and strength tomes, heh.

-Start at one end of the Deep and trek all the way to the other side. It might take all day.

Steel's bucket list:

-Ride a dragon on its back instead of in its mouth.

-Slay a deity. Or Two.

-Uncover the secrets of the Black Wizards. (note that he deems this more difficult than slaying a deity)

-Defeat Richard Watchman at creature cards. ;-)

Sahala's bucket list:

-Build a shrine to Beryl in Trelania.

-Befriend a druid and raise hundreds of very large cats.

Chunks' bucket list:

-Win a pie-eating contest.

-Visit every dwarven clan-home on Layonara.

-Find his place in the world, preferably next to a dwarven lass who is an excellent cook.

-Have more kids than he knows what to do with.



Steel will never beat Richard
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2013, 01:18:19 am »

Steel will never beat Richard Watchman at Creature Cards.


Guardian 452

With any of my characters. I
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2013, 08:59:17 am »

With any of my characters. I want to see more places I've never visited ..... Like has been happening over the past few Fridays.



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I want to explore the areas
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2014, 01:17:12 am »

I want to explore the areas of V1 (North server?) that I never got to see :P


Lord Dark

I also think the server is
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2014, 11:12:10 pm »

I also think the server is seasoned, but I will say that the RP is never old. When I'm having slow days at work, I'm always thinking about my most memoriable RP moments and experiences, and I will never forget them! Actually, I desire more of them!

Here's my Bucket List for my favorite character who I've RPed and built to be what I wished I could be, I've infused a lot of my personality into him and I will miss him (when that time comes).

1. Gather Two Halves and a Pint back together for another show.

2. Gaining the ability to beat True Seeing.

3. Open his bakery.

4. Achieve two more levels to be Epic Rogue and Epic Shadowdancer.

5. Prove that a having a rogue in the party is better than having a pixie!

6. Die at a ripe old age (preferably in a heroic manner) among his friends. (He always said he'd live to see 300!)

All I can think of right now, I might end up thinking of a couple later on I'll edit in. ;)



Razeriem: Be Knighted by a
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2014, 06:33:00 pm »


Be Knighted by a queen.

Become Grand Admiral of a navy.

Date a Pit Fiend (misunderstood, surely not evil) and possibly a planar (good aligned) at the same time.

Get married, likely arranged, with a political daughter of a less than savory power/nation and try to corrupt each other to our opositional views/beliefs.


Master Time and assume the mantle of "The Watchman"

Get some robes that don't cause him to trip over them all the time.



Start his own sect of female assassins.

Rule the underground of some large city or small nation.

Get glowing Red eyes!



Get in a big nasty fight with a big nasty creature, winning or surviving not as important as being the stop-gap in something worth fighting for.

Cripple the dark elves or one of their gods (any one of them is fine)

Find or help procure new hope for Voltrex and the 'true people'.