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Author Topic: Housing.  (Read 238 times)


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RE: Housing.
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2006, 12:00:00 am »
I've been in a couple of houses, found a few unlocked and went inside and looked around, figuring someone could be dead or something (you never know), but i've never stolen.  Yet, being the mage that I am, I've often wanted to sit at someone's bookshelf and read... yet no books have been found on a bookshelf and I thought that someone coming home to a stranger reading their books would be awkward.  Also, I have to tell myself not to "borrow" the books from the great library (lots of good stuff there).  I find it fun in RP to be able to bring forth obscur facts about odd monsters and such, chalking it up to being a nerd (wizards live in towers of books at times) and yet know knowing how to use a leaf press!  We are book smart, but sometimes not terribly smart.
  And with the crafting thing... I find it really great to RP a 8 STR weakling who is super intelligent.  Is that a heavy crossbow?  nah... I'll  just use my spells... besides, that is too heavy!  It adds to the flavor of the persona I am developing.  If a half-ogre character can RP a dumb, but loveable brute that can bash a rock with a tea cup, then a weakling wizard who cannot beat up a cat, but who develops the ability to call lightning, sounds like an interesting stereotypical mix.
  But to the crafting... I am too busy roaming around to want a house in one spot.  Seriously... it would be nice someday to have one, to have someone over and to show them my collection of odd things from around the world, but really I need a place to store books.... (more books in the game about anything and everything to fill up bookshelves! -grin) and a place to store my CNRs. 
  But wait... while I just posted an ad looking for people to go into buying a house with me, I get a reply from someon saying that they forming just such a thing...
  but alas... I also read here about guilds.
  What?  Guilds?  I've seen the signs here and there, but have never found anyone home, nor anyone who said they were a member, nor anyone who looked like they belonged to a club.  At least you can tell the Paladins of Toran when you see them... they do stand out, but the Orc Bashers? (is that guild?) or any other guild?  I wouldn't know one if they fell on me from out of a tree!
  Is there a listing of guilds anywhere?  I am looking. 
  But, no moaning here... the world is great, I am having a blast, and guild/house or no guild/house... I am dodging sharks  and earth gliders and coming up with ways that a scrawny low level wizard can outsmart a room of ogres to get one paltry gem. 
    p.s.  thanks for adding all the new drinks... now that I've finally made several different types of ales, bocks, wheats, lagers and pilsners... people don't need to come to me to get them!  But then again, I give them away and have never sold one. (grin)

