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Author Topic: 2x xp  (Read 78 times)


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2x xp
« on: February 03, 2007, 10:02:42 am »
Question regarding the double xp weekend, is this a double edged sword? Due to the fact that everything we earn is doubled, we would also lvl up faster, too… now, is it still consider in the ‘spirit’ to gain xp twice as fast? In addition, some people have more time to play than others… therefore, they have more opportunity to travel with different groups. Obviously, they will lvl up…this is not to say that they don’t RP (especially with this weekend). Is it frown upon to have more time to play one character versus creating multiple characters? I personally enjoy playing my single character. I get into character more easily and don’t have to worry about how I ‘should’ act playing that particular character.  

Any thoughts and comments are welcome. Please just keep this as a general discussion and not a witch hunt where fingers start pointing. Thank you.


RE: 2x xp
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 10:15:50 am »

I have been playing only one character this weekend because she is high level and therefor harder to level up.  I look at it as we have been given a present by the team so take advantage of it.  Though I have multiple characters (but didn't until recently) I am concentrating on getting my main one the bonus XP.  I don't think it matters on how many characters you play.  If you have 6 characters and 2 are close to leveling perhaps you would play those two this weekend to level them quicker.  Or if you had a low level character who you want to become more powerful play that one...  There is no right or wrong that I am aware of as to how many characters you have, and when you play them. Some people have lots of characters (I think 6 is the max) but only play certain ones every once in a while, some people play a different character everytime they log in, even switching back and forth in one session, and other players play one single character all the time.

I say take advantage of the 2X XP anyway you feel like... while maintaining the spirit of the server.


RE: 2x xp
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 10:52:37 am »
Clearly, we're giving out double XP this weekend because we know people will gain a faster benefit from it. It's intended as a reward, or a little gift, to all the players for the period of time.
  It's not intended though as a free license to maximize the XP gain and shoot up as many levels as possible in those two days.
  It is also not a license for people to go and adventure in places that are inappropriate for their levels to start gaining the double XP at an even faster rate than they should.
  The spirit of this server is to achieve level 20 in about 1 RL year. People have achieved that faster, people have achieved that slower. Under the previous rules, one could not progress past level 20 without being approved to do so. There is no longer such a limit in place, but that does not mean the spirit of the server has changed.
  Without pointing fingers or making implications of any kind, there are characters on this server who are on track to achieve level 20 inside of 3 or 4 months. This in general goes beyond just having a lot of time to play and leans more into actively going out and seeking XP for the purpose of gaining levels quickly. That's not what the server is about.
  This is an RP server more than anything. And yes, XP and levels are part of all that...part of character growth and should not be the primary goal of those who play here. We know that's not for everyone, but it is how things are here on Layonara.
  The GM team notices characters who shoot up quickly in levels, either by simple observation or by checking over the XP logs that we maintain. It's our jobs to notice such things and to try and preserve the spirit of the world. It's also our jobs to make sure that characters are not being "dragged" along and soaking XP by higher level characters for the sole purpose of rapidly gaining XP. But also keep in mind that fast-leveling characters get noticed by the community. There are characters who have surpassed the levels of people who have been here for a year or more in only a couple of months. That tends to frustrate many players in the community because they see this rapid advancement by people who (in their opinion) are not interested in keeping with the spirit of Layonara (i.e. RP) and instead are simply out to power-level.
  One other note:
  While XP from kills is doubled, so too is the XP that GMs and WLs may hand out for RP. Last night, I ran an impromptu event, and the characters were rewarded double for their efforts. I actively looked for a group that was already RPing and based on that RP, I decided to give them an opportunity to experience something that would not have normally happened. I can tell you right off that had the same group simply been simply bashing with little more than "Buff me with Bull's please" for RP, I would not have even bothered. But that was not the case, and this group got nicely rewarded with XP for basically going on a tour and listening to a story. In fact, the XP they received was in all likelihood greater than they would have gotten had they gone with their original plan of battling giants.
  If I have time and find the right group, I'll do something like that again tonight.


Re: 2x xp
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 11:03:02 am »
Well stated Dorganath, and right on the mark.


Re: 2x xp
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2007, 11:15:49 am »
Just to add, last night my PC got killed in the mountains on Mistone and instead of running out there the get more XP, I talked to Ozy about Mithril, the Bloodstone war, talked about the difference between Mithril and Adamanitum swords,and listened to a story and got some XP.  I don't know if it was any special amount, but I did't have to fight anything for it.  Hell, the story was more fun then slaying giants any day.  Even though he's confusing, Ozy is more fun then fiend slaying any day

gilshem ironstone

Re: 2x xp
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2007, 11:34:59 am »
Here, here... I personally feel that people should set goals for themsleves independent of levelling, sometimes in direct contradiction to levelling... For example I have a character who is a priest of Dorand and I try to get him so much experience in crafting every level and it feels a bit like he has failed if he does not meet his goal.  It still allows for advancement, and makes for better RP opportunities as I have a like outside of slaying giants on Dregar.  Not to say that you cannot make a flushed out character around slaying giants or any other idea... Just that if your main focus is on charater development, I don't think there will be any problems in teerms of levelling.

Witch Hunter

Re: 2x xp
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2007, 11:44:43 am »
Then as a rogue my goal is to steal the queens crown! Hooray!

Talan Va'lash

Re: 2x xp
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2007, 03:15:51 pm »
This in general goes beyond just having a lot of time to play and leans more into actively going out and seeking XP for the purpose of gaining levels quickly. That's not what the server is about.

How many characters one has and how much time one spends playing is irrelevant. The problem is the above.

Especially when a player's much higher level character kills lots of creatures with another player's much lower level character in the party for the purpose of power leveling the lower level character.


Re: 2x xp
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2007, 01:21:00 am »
gilshem ironstone - 2/3/2007  2:34 PM

Here, here... I personally feel that people should set goals for themsleves independent of levelling, sometimes in direct contradiction to levelling... For example I have a character who is a priest of Dorand and I try to get him so much experience in crafting every level and it feels a bit like he has failed if he does not meet his goal.  It still allows for advancement, and makes for better RP opportunities as I have a like outside of slaying giants on Dregar.  Not to say that you cannot make a flushed out character around slaying giants or any other idea... Just that if your main focus is on charater development, I don't think there will be any problems in teerms of levelling.

 I try to make two of my crafting levels the same as my class level. That way I keep from leveling too fast. I'm about to hit level 12 and it is getting harder to get my crafting levels up.
