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Author Topic: 9 People are banned  (Read 1068 times)


RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2005, 11:55:00 pm »
Ok went from laughing to the the "sex clan" thing to going what the hey this is a family server and not a place for that to K' what have you stepped in now to runs IG to see if our house and ressources we collected up until now are still there or did we loose everything LoL
Just came back from there and found everything though the bookshelf inside right in front of the frontdoor made me go hmmmm ;)
So if you guys want to speak to any of us before we use the house again no problems, will stay out until I get your go ahead.

Also would like to put a few words in for Kloss he here; he is learning this game and has choosen Layo in order to do this.  Nor was he brought-up with the Americain values system but the British one.
This last not about the whole sex thing but just to bring up the fact that what you as americans see as perfectly normal behaviour he would find chocking and vise-versa *shrugs*
Personally the worst I'v seen him do IG is play footsy while he was bathing with Tailon in Saudrias' pond and apart from making Lokri and Yoss go: *grumbles* we be needen e keg 'f ale and Gravas (Lokris' brother IG) throwing-up in the pond LoL it didn't go any further ;)
Nor as he ever mentioned any kind of sexual games he played with anyone IG via PMs or regular tells to me and we talk about some serious stuff as well as a lot of totally idiotic ones as well, so don't see why he wouldn't have for the IG sex thing *shrugs*
I think K' is a good chap as the Brits would put it although he does have a tendency to lean a bit towards MrBean a few times, "n'est-ce pas" K'? :p

For the banning: I think that it's perfectly normal that people doing that on a family server get banned.  The sexual stuff is at the very least bad taste and the exploit thing...well makes me think of PKing for some reason ;)

PS. by the way thanks LoganGrimnar and I'll destroy the key to Talions house on Dregar she gaved to me IG a day ago as well as the strengh potions that K' gaved me and told me he bought seeing those came from exploit.


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RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2005, 02:19:00 am »
I haven't played here in some time, and miss Layo and the RP here greatly.  To read that this kind of thing has gone on is distressing to me, who always has held Layo as a bastion of excellent RP.  I give the GM team major kudos for tracking all this down and Leanthar for taking steps to eradicate it, but I do have to say: how disappointing that sods like this had to drag the attention of the GMs away from the quests and excellent RP to have to attend to something so sordid?  Those people should be ashamed of themselves.


RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2005, 02:45:00 am »
I personally didn't know any of the characters involved, but judging by L's post these people are simply sick. No normal or sane person will want to RP a sex clan or a rape in an internet game. These people have issues and thank god they aren't part of Layonara any longer.

A grand thank you goes to L and the GM team.


RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2005, 07:28:00 am »
All I will say is
Now all this has explained a lot to me
My two main PCs have had run ins with some of the 9 bannd and they did do some very odd RP.

Roxx most of all as he/she could not make up there mind on what gender they where.

As for the "sex clan" Well the rape thing just makes me sick.
shame on you for disrecpecting the "real human players"
who help make Layonara one of the best Online games around.

To Leanthar and all who do such grate work here thanks once again for
makeing and keeping Layonara the grate place it is.


RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2005, 08:22:00 am »
This is indeed a sad thing, I dont like perm. ban but it can be neccesary. Some of the players surprises me, I met them and they did good RP it's sad it went that way. Others on the other hand, was annyoing in search of gold, and really understood to break a good parting time. About the sex stuff, its really disgustful, and its very poor RP, guys... this is a middleage world, people would get stoned for less. And a rape?! This was certainly not the first topic I expected to see after tree weeks of goodbye.

Nice work from the GM's side.


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RE: 9 People are banned
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2006, 11:28:00 pm »
  Okay, so there I was... all playing my character... the paladin I believe.  I met two of the banned for the first time and they seemed nice.  Then there comes posting about said people doing odd things.  Okay, watch out here, I think.  Then my other character meets another one of them, he seems pretty nice and rps okay.  I complain about no storage space and he says that they are part of a merchant group.  I know about the "clan", but not much, and I thought the merchant group was just their social needs done "nicely" (that is to say, a way to be a group but within the rules of the game).  They offered to bring me into the house and such.  I say that I will think about it... post about it in my character development (see Vesath) and I am thinking that one of the things about my character is his not trusting anyone... and here is a group of people going out of their way to bring him into their circle... perhaps this could be a story of learning to trust people.  Okay... sure... let's RP some and see what happens.
  Then the holidays come and in the restaraunt business this means overtime.  Several days of no playing.  I finally come on line several times and do not see them... after a week I figure, what is going on?  One of them was going to give me a key to the house... I needed a place to put my brews that I worked hard to make!  But I read here things about sex and muling and duping cards (what the heck is that?) and other things (just how do you make money with a pawn shop anyway) and so on... I never saw any of that stuff going on and would not take any part of it.  However, I did pay money and a whole lot of knuckles to Talon for a full plate armor and a +1 longsword (Tristan Morgan, paladin pc), both of which are in bank vault.  I let someoen else put an electrical thingy on the sword and I can now nolonger use it.  That's all I ever got... and Tristan was adamant about paying a fair price for the weapon/armor, saying that he would trust her to give him an honest deal.  Whenever he got money/knuckles, he would go to her and give it to her.  He didn't keep a record (honest), but just kept paying until she said it was paid for.  They are in the bank vault if you want them back.  I do not think Vesath got anything from them, though Alnusa crafted a +1 staff from some wood they went and harvested together.
  I am shocked... I had no idea.  To think... if I had played one more day I might have gotten a key and might have been banned!  I would have been devastated!  this place rocks!  I am certainly glad that I didn't get banned, but I seem to have been close to the edge there.  Thanks for not killing me, if you were ever considering it.


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    RE: 9 People are banned
    « Reply #46 on: January 02, 2006, 12:30:00 am »
    Am I to assume that the bow I bought from Talion is a dupe? If so how do I handle it?


    Talan Va'lash

    RE: 9 People are banned
    « Reply #47 on: January 02, 2006, 02:46:00 am »
    If you bought an item from them legitimately (i.e. paid for it, traded for it etc.) there should be no problem with keeping that item.

    You paid the gold just as if you had bought it from someone else.  They received the illegitimate profits.  They are now banned and all gold/items in banks or houses are deleted, so the illegitimate profits are gone.  Your gold is still out of your pocket in exchange for the item so there is no illegitimacy in owning an item purchased fairly from them.  



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      RE: 9 People are banned
      « Reply #48 on: January 02, 2006, 06:50:00 am »
      Aye, bow was paid for with legitimately earned gold. I shall continue to utilize this important addition to Nagi's arsenal. Thanks for the feedback.


