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Author Topic: TO ALL WL Quest event participators:  (Read 346 times)


TO ALL WL Quest event participators:
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:52:12 pm »
I have posted this and emailed and PMed this in other places, but I am going to make a general announcement.

I had to put the WL Quest on hold. I have something pending for Layonara that is taking up ALL of my available time at the moment. Until that is absolved I CANNOT deal with the WL event. Please stop pushing each other for information that I have not had the chance to pass out to anyone because it's causing a bunch of people to get annoyed and worse. Since people are getting so bent out of shape over this, I am putting an 'until further notice' flag on this.  

It's really fabulous that people are wanting to be involved and are playing it up between quests but it needs to be scaled back due to the GM not being able to participate. You don't have to pretend like it's not happening but please stop irritating each other as that doesn't help anyone, most especially me, get anything done faster. Feel welcome to wrack up a ton of questions for me to answer but please don't expect an answer back (from anyone) until such time that I say I'm answering questions again.

Just remember, it's fine (as far as I'm concerned) to take this development seriously but it is not okay to upset other people, especially when the problem is completely out of the control of the player. You are welcome to be as irritated at me as you like, as long as it's up front and you are accepting that I have only so many hours in a day. Rest assured that I am taking notes about all of this as I move forward with this experiment and if anything like it is attempted again, and that's a big if at this point, these things will be taken into account. This kind of project takes a huge time investment and it's probably just not something any GM will have the capacity for in the future. Please, please be patient with us and your fellows.


