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Author Topic: A new series of Dread Blade seminars  (Read 118 times)


A new series of Dread Blade seminars
« on: September 22, 2007, 06:27:24 pm »
Remember the Axioms!  :p

Alrighty. Grad school kicked in, combined with GM duties and some IC stuff with Steel all leading to a break in Dread Blade seminars.

But fear not! I yet have some grand and nifty ideas for this player event.

As such, I'd like those that are still interested, or newly interested, to rattle off some good times for this event to occur. Due to my busy-ness, I'm going to try and aim for this to be a once a month thing, instead of every week like before. So, let's pick a time and date in October that will work for most people. Naturally, the meeting would occur at the Fort Vehl Arena.

For those of you who don't know, the Dread Blade is a gathering of mercenaries, fighters, thugs, and anyone who makes their living by the sword (axe, knife, etc.). In-character, you'd find rumors of its existence in taverns, brothels, and seedier establishments.

Axiom #4 - Everything dies!

