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Author Topic: RP a deaf and/or mute character  (Read 57 times)

Germaine Lorn

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    RP a deaf and/or mute character
    « on: July 25, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
    I have been thinking about this for a while now.  The RP potential could be excellent, with plenty of room to make things very difficult for myself and other group members.

    The one technical drawback is the voice sets.  When I charge an enemy and fight, etc, the NWN engine will have me making all sorts of remarks.  Is there anyway to have a "blank" voice set, or one with no actual speech?  Or some way to turn of the sounds not just for those I hear, but for the ones I would make?

    Maybe there could be an ear for sign language?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


    RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
    « Reply #1 on: July 25, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
    There's this one, but I guess being vibrationally trained and lip reading and such is not as huge a handicap. Still, you know.


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      RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
      « Reply #2 on: July 25, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
      Yes you can go to the nwn vault and down load the HoUD voiceset that unlocks all the OC voicesets in game, since all these are normal NWN voicesets they will all work. THeirs not a blank once persay, but if you go with a animal or int 3 monster all you will have are the fighting ouf ug, swiah sounds.  I use to play a follower of Sune in a FG server and I used the voiceset of White Therse from Inn bacause she mentions Sune and all that, I lost allot of voice chat commands because she doesn't have them being a NPC, but you can use this to cut out voice commands.

      I think the medusa voiceset is pretty blank and humanlike in sounds, but I might be thinking of the wrong voiceset) I love the child voiceset for halflings, and some of the planer beigns for tieflings os assimer

      PS to any drow players their is also a voice command for drow that is all in drow no common also fun, but more useful for drow that like other drow or are not smart enough to master a second language. IE they can speak common if they have time to think but in the heat of combat they revert to drow.   This is my favorite but they all do the same thing and just search for voicesets, just make sure the voiceset is a default of the game noit a created hak. ANy standard voiceset will work because it already exists in NWN.


      RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
      « Reply #3 on: July 25, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
      My character Breg Brightglen is just antisocial, and reclusive, so he doesn't speak. I have about 20 different text macros for common emotes instead. I just ignore the combat voices, or chalk it up to 'heat of the moment' comments in a high stress situation. If you wish to play a complete mute I would just OOC tell people that are new to your character to ignore your voice-set, for RP purposes you are mute.


      Germaine Lorn

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        RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
        « Reply #4 on: July 25, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
        Thanks for your replies.  Has solved the worry I had, and given me some ideas towards how to roleplay it.  Cheers

        Germaine Lorn


        RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
        « Reply #5 on: July 25, 2005, 02:51:00 pm »
        Or you could have a GM erase the entire voice for the character.  orth did this for a character I had once.


        RE: RP a deaf and/or mute character
        « Reply #6 on: July 25, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
        I have a character that doesn't speak common yet his voice set is of course in english.  I never use it however minus automatic uses in combat situations.  Erasing the voice set is one option or choosing a voice set which requires a hak as mentioned in a post above which would allow minimal sounds except a few grunts. Normally, at least in the real world, deaf/mute individuals have trouble speaking due to linguistic limitations - consider this as a factor when choosing a voice set.

