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Author Topic: Problems Problems *Sighs*  (Read 358 times)


Problems Problems *Sighs*
« on: April 26, 2006, 06:45:06 am »
Well i am not sure what has happened but my nwn has Carked it...
It is deciding to crash whenever i try and log on to a server, load a module...
I have tried reinstalling nwn several times, and my graphic drivers... I dont understand what is going on but till i do my character will be out of action *Sighs*.
If anyone has any idea's why it would be crashing on loading please do tell.


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 06:48:12 am »
Ask for a database-DM to change the location of your character.


RE: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 06:54:20 am »
wont help, its happening with everything, even sp modules.


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 07:00:35 am »
that stinks and is rather strange.  Check with Bioware and see if they have any info on it.


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 07:05:27 am »
Had a similar problem lately ..although not as severe .

Solved it by restoring my system (Windows XP) to a restore 'point 'before the trouble started.

May want to give that a try.


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2006, 07:18:31 am »
No Sabrissia?  That is simply not acceptable!

The following is a set of checks on your computer, if you run a PC but I have no idea how to diagnose a Mac, so I can't be of any use if you've got one.

Run a complete disk check and run a memory diagnosis tool (Memtest86 is free,, burn the ISO on a CD and boot it).  If you've got a faulty HD - not very likely, considering you've reinstalled - or faulty RAM, it might cause the random crashing and might need replacing.

After you've done that and it checks out, check to see if your Windows is up to date.

Run an antivirus (AVG is free) and an antispyware (Spybot is also free) and remove everything both softwares complain about.  Fear no darkness, your computer doesn't need that crud to run.

Disable useless programs from starting when your PC boots, for example, you don't need the Real bar running to play NWN.

Reboot and try again with a "clean" machine.

If this fails, there's one final thing to do that usually fixes everything...

Reinstall windows on your reformated HD, install approriate drivers and then NWN.

Edit: Or you could do what Olme said.  :)


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2006, 07:32:55 am »
Well it was working fine earlier today i had to reinstall nwn due to some Issues with lots of messy modding to my nwn, and well after that its just blown itself....
I suspect some foul play with the nwn config file... I think the updater has decided to check for wrong things... As it is scanning them. Such as unable to identify my processor, Setting the vram =512 which is somewhat impossible for my 256 card. And no thats not ram...

Dont know i need to play around with it some more... Blasted thing..


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2006, 07:45:53 am »
Sounds to me like an HD reformat and OS reinstall just may be in order.


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2006, 08:00:18 am »
In that case...

Nuke the config and hope NWN builds a new one (or someone posts theirs for you to download).

Who knows, might be easier than you thought.


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Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2006, 10:36:23 pm »
Grympint's curse on the witch has finally coming to pass...or maybe the demons have finally taken back their cursed weave...either way, it's a curse on the house of witches.  :p

Oh, I hope you get your problem fixed, only so Grympint can watch you squirm under his all knowing glare. Only the Gods can truly help Sabrissia and Grympint knows a very good one to repent your evil/misguided ways.

See you soon. ;)


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2006, 12:27:43 am »
It's Tricky and annoying, going to take many hours of trying to fix :(, Because i cant really find any working solutions myself.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2006, 01:15:16 am »
miltonyorkcastle - 4/26/2006  8:45 AM

Sounds to me like an HD reformat and OS reinstall just may be in order.

This is ALWAYS a last resort.

I've known people who use this as a first resort.  I call them masochists.

It shouldn't be the config file if you're uninstalled/reinstalled as that would wipe the file (if it hasn't you should do a more thourough, semi-manual uninstall)

in fact, I recomend doing a semi-manual uninstall anyway.  After you use the Bioware uninstal utility remove everything remaining pertaining to NWN from your hardrive manually.  Make sure there isn't any junk persisting in the registry.  iirc theres an add/remove software jigger in the control panel.  If you can find nwn on the remove list after you've uninstalled it, something that you don't want persisting is persisting.  Try removing it from here, though sometimes it says it cant remove something because its already been removed... which is annoying because it obviously isn't removed well enough if its still on the list.  I think I'm remembering this from an IT job I had on an XP network rather than old experience with 98.

Try a search for "nwn" "nwn*" "*nwn*" "*Neverwinter Nights*" "*neverwinternights*" and so on after you've uninstalled to find and delete any clinging undesirables from your system.

Uninstalls usually won't remove the directory, and often leave some random small stuff in there.  Trash the whole directory.  

I forget where it is, but theres a folder somewhere (I cant remember the windows directory tree anymore.. is it C:\\windows\\ or c:\\system\\windows... ) anyway somewhere like that theres a folder with a directory for most every app installed on your machine where they keep random junk.  Think of it as analagous to the "Temporary internet files" folder of IE.  Meaning, it gets cluttered with junk that ceases to be relevant at some point, but back when i had experience with this, was never cleaned out by the OS in any meaningful way.  Nuke any NWN related stuff in these places.

The moral of the story is:  Don't let your computer run you, run your computer.

Power to the people!  Stick it to the man!  Fight the power!  Don't use internet explorer! (


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2006, 01:42:46 am »
Believe me i have reinstalled semi reinstalled, it hasnt worked so it is the last restort, just makes me a little sad leaving the quest this evening without a wizard due to this, Bah...


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2006, 01:43:23 am »
Whoa, there are some crazy ideas in here.'s_Razor

1. Backup your override directory, then empty the existing one.
2. Make sure everything in your portraits directory looks okay
3. Make sure you don't have anything odd in your haks directory
4. Backup then delete your ini files


Re: Problems Problems *Sighs*
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2006, 06:44:42 am »
I had a similar problem, I couldnt get into Nwn, not even SP, I tried reinstalling, rebooting, reconfiguring, retrying and redistributing. Nothing helped and I was very sad.
  Until I noticed my vgacard's fan didnt work, I blew on it lightly and it started to turn, and presto, everything worked.

