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Author Topic: Uh.. Hello again.  (Read 46 times)

Nephthys Shadow

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    Uh.. Hello again.
    « on: August 02, 2005, 11:00:00 pm »
    I was like gone for awhile.. ((Not that i was on much anyway! ^.^)) And now i am back and getting all the haks again. And looking around. Is there some topic with like large scale events thats happened that pretty much everyone would know about? Or would this all be in rumors.. since my PC wouldn't really hear rumors to much... And, if thats where it is.. I'm sorry for posting...


    RE: Uh.. Hello again.
    « Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 11:34:00 pm »
    There is of course the timeline, but that's OOC so you can't use that (unless it's like new constellations appearing, you can see those in the sky after all).
      Then the Gossip Corner would have the most info, but as it's gossip :) So your best chance is to ask in game.