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Author Topic: A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.  (Read 41 times)


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    A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.
    « on: June 14, 2005, 07:12:00 pm »
    I am new to the world of Layonara, though far from new to D&D, and am in the process of designing my first character. However, before I can do this properly, I have a few important questions that could use answering.

    First of all, as I have looked over many of the different PW modules, I have repeatedly seen different subraces being somehow enabled for play. However. . . I am concerned about the look of the character.

    Some subraces, such as Drow or Duergar, are no problem to create a character for, because the player may select an appropriate skin color to be used.

    However, what about Orc characters, or Goblin Characters, who DO have character artwork and models in the game. I wish to know how these subraces are put into effect. For instance, should I decide to step up to the challenge of playing, say, a Goblin, is there a script that will actually make my character into a Goblin, using either a modified or created model, or utilizing Biowares already existing models, etc.

    Effectively, if I play a goblin, I want him to look like a goblin, not a halfling. Or if I play an Orc, I want him to look like an Orc, not a Half-Orc. Etc. etc.

    To make it shorter, I suppose, if I made a Goblin, would I:
    1. Look like a Goblin or look like a halfling and RP as a Goblin
    2. If a Goblin model is used, do I need to use a particular tool or program to effect this change, or is it automatic as long as I use the proer syntax in the subrace field.


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    RE: A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.
    « Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
    for sub races goblin, orc.. you have a char skin  so you look like a goblin.. if you weant to know what a char goblin looks like go to Gloin's adventures in the album section i have a screen of 2 goblins in them.. Bil  and Grubber.. orcs the same.. though i don't have a pic of one



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      RE: A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.
      « Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 07:51:00 pm »
      Ah, excelent, alright. Thanks for the pic reference, that helps alot. Perhaps I will play an Orc or a Goblin after all then.

      Are there different model skins, or are they all relatively the same?

      Also, as you change weapons / equipment, etc, does it make changes to your character's look?
      I would assume that armor and clothing probably wont change; itd be alot of work to enable clothing types, but do weapons at least show up right as in the case of say, Deekin from SoU?


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        RE: A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.
        « Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 07:53:00 pm »
        Nevermind, I found the answer. I looked around some more in the album section, and found some Half-Ogre and Goblin examples, and I think the job was nicely done. Thanks for the help. I look forward to joining Layonara.

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: A Quick Question, since I'm not sure where to put it.
        « Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 10:44:00 pm »
        there are acctually some new goblin skins (not sure about orcs/half-giant/ogres) that acctually show the clothes/armor that you have equiped.  Look in Bil's Billboard one of steverimmer's albums, he has a goblin char that has one of the new skins.

        I'm not sure if the script is set up to give the new skins yet or not... but if you ask Orth nicely, he might set you up with one.

        And there are different static skins at least for orcs, though i'm not sure how you choose them having never played a subrace with a non-standard skin.
