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Author Topic: Far Cry for free  (Read 225 times)


Far Cry for free
« on: September 01, 2007, 10:24:08 pm »
Let me make one thing perfectly clear before I continue with this post. This is not warez. This is entirely legal. Ubisoft released this, along with a few other of their games on Fileplanet not too long ago. I understand the rules about posting warez and copyright infringment.

The only actual "problem" with these games are the huge downloads, the wait to download them unless you pay Fileplanet subscriptions, and there are in game ads. The games require you to make an account at Ubisoft in order to install them.

The ads in game are actually not that annoying, considering these are recent games. The ads usually pop up during load screens and on the main screen, and there are some videos. Annoying as they may be Far Cry is an amazing shooter and I suggest it to anyone who was a fan of all the Half-Life games. The ads are left entirely out of the actual game play which is a blessing. Despite being graphics intensive, it's worth it if your system can run it.

I can only assume this is to boost sales of their up coming release of Far Cry 2.

FilePlanet: Far Cry Full Game [Free Game - Ad Supported]


Re: Far Cry for free
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2007, 11:23:44 am »

Hehe, kidding.
Nice find. I refuse to download anything from FP since I don't believe their policies but hey, it is a nice game, I've played it some months ago.

PS: OH my god! surfing on FP I found out that lots of people still download Ultima Online... Mondain's Legacy none the less!