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Author Topic: About death and what happens after  (Read 370 times)


About death and what happens after
« on: April 02, 2006, 11:52:41 am »
Since I have never played PnP and everything I know about DnD comes from Layonara, I would like to ask a few questions. So here goes....

My understanding right now is, that after a character dies, he is sent to the Soul Monther, then a deity can take him away into his own halls. If that doesn't happen, then the character stays with the Soul Mother and proceeds into the eternity just like in Greek mythology.

So question number one. Are the deity halls located on planes that best fit the deity? Like if a character worships Aeridin he ends up in a naturey paradise place, like Arborea?

If the above is true, then why in the nine hells would anybody worship an evil deity, if they end up in some wastelands afterwards? I am assuming that people who worship evil deities don't really intend to die?

Thirdly, can a person return from the plane into the material world?

Forthly, is it possible to know where each diety has it's halls, can we get a list or something similar?

And lastly, is there any good place to read about the planes, since I really don't know much  :p


Re: About death and what happens after
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 12:00:10 pm »
1) That’s a reasonable thing to assume can't say for certain thou I haven't seen them all.

2) Why do people kill in the name of a god of peace? People are really stupid. What does Corath promise, what does Pyrtechon promise? Power, and more power, people which don't have much foresight tend to flock to these gods. It helps make them beatable if not by their conviction alone. That and a promised afterlife is basking in the glory of whichever god it may be with slaves and mead, when in truth it’s him basking and you’re the slave.

3) In theory yes, but I doubt it happens often and when it does the soul mother is very annoyed. Even then I recal some post somewhere where even then the soul has to pass thru the plane of lost souls.

4) I doubt that, the planes are highly remote to the people of Layonara. Myth and legend, the deities may not even hold court in them and most would never know. However Ozy could probably tell you what HE thinks, not that he is necessarily right. This perception is because I don’t even think the planer material is all written yet which means my logic may not be Ed/Leanthar’s logic.

5) is what Ed has sugested; there are a few published manuals. But both are built towards a greyhawk/forgoten realms setting. So that leaves a lot of 'tweak this or that' for the planes of Layonara. Best person to prod about it is Ozy since he spends most of his spare time in some hideous planer local. Even then anything he says will become rapidly outdated and inaccurate as the planes progress and I can’t get my hands on the information fast enough.


Re: About death and what happens after
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 01:17:00 pm »
"Make pies not war"


RE: About death and what happens after
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 01:24:28 pm »
So question number one. Are the deity halls located on planes that best fit the deity? Like if a character worships Aeridin he ends up in a naturey paradise place, like Arborea?
If the above is true, then why in the nine hells would anybody worship an evil deity, if they end up in some wastelands afterwards? I am assuming that people who worship evil deities don't really intend to die?
Well, power sums it up nicely as already mentioned.  
Thirdly, can a person return from the plane into the material world?
Technically, yes. Practically, also yes, but it'd be very Very VERY hard. And you would have to go through the Plane of the Lost again.  
Forthly, is it possible to know where each diety has it's halls, can we get a list or something similar?
No you can't get a list :) If we had it totally defined, you could, but we don't. And even if we did, we might not put it out there. (Like we also don't provide a list of which temple is where, leaves a bit of mystery). Legends are way more fun than facts after all.  
And lastly, is there any good place to read about the planes, since I really don't know much
 Next to planeswalker that Ozy posted already, there is "I am the mimir"


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Re: About death and what happens after
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2006, 04:00:56 pm »
Ed, Ozy would it also be fair to say that for some Evil people there Idea of Paradise just may be a wasteland where the cries of the ...ed are heard constantly or a place where you must constantly scheme, doublecross and backstab just to get by or for the more twisted a place of eternal torture etc etc
Evil can't be trusted and almost always turns in upon itself I guess but surely to say that ALL evil folks are like ... ripped off....for want of a better expression surely cannot be right. Even Corath must have those that have pleased the God for there service and hance given high esteem in the afterlife surely?


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    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #5 on: April 02, 2006, 04:52:44 pm »
    xXDenizeNXx - 4/3/2006  1:00 AM

    Even Corath must have those that have pleased the God for there service and hance given high esteem in the afterlife surely?

    Why? He is evil....



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    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #6 on: April 02, 2006, 06:44:31 pm »
    Wintersheart - 4/3/2006  10:52 AM

    xXDenizeNXx - 4/3/2006  1:00 AM

    Even Corath must have those that have pleased the God for there service and hance given high esteem in the afterlife surely?

    Why? He is evil....


    True... Corath I imagine would be Evil incarnate being a God and all he would have to symbolise the epitomy of Evil wouldn't he? Also what better way to show this then to fool even your own sucker......errr...i mean ....worshippers I guess *smiles*

    Also I guess since it is rare for a person to come back from the afterlife and tell the evil guys they been duped......not that they'd believe you anyways..... LOL I think I just misproved my own previous point :P


    RE: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 12:41:40 am »
    Thank you for the answers, I'll look into those sites.

    ...and Corath would never trick his followers, never, he promises power here and a life of luxury hear me, he never lies!


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    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 11:32:19 am »
    *snicker*  River... Egypt... all that.


    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #9 on: April 03, 2006, 12:19:34 pm »
    I'm just wondering, as a means of celestial checks and balances if the dieties are held in reletive power dependant on the faith and number of their worshipers?

    As an example, if Toran decreed one day to his paladins that Corath was to be destroyed, rather than mindlessly flailing paladins at a God in hopes that one special paladin of Destiny would lay low the evil tyrant 'ala 'LotR', would a more effective means of destroying a diety be to purge the land of all the dieties worshippers, destroying all temples, removing all referrance to said diety from all writings and then setting up some sort of guardianship ala 'The Mummy' with the Jhim Hradir (sp?).

    A diety with no worshippers and no prescence in the collective consciousness of the masses (after several generations had passed) would be pretty powerless wouldn't you think?

    Vyris the semi-returned


    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #10 on: April 03, 2006, 12:47:22 pm »
    I'd think so given that this happened albeit to a much lesser degree. For a while, the "church of Toran" wasn't doing so hot. One major epic paladin fell in disgrace, a few others weren't being very paladin like, others stepped down from paladin-hood. It was noted by a few DMs (including Leanthar in fact when one person asked this at the end of one of his plot quests) that either the god was weakened by it all, his constellation was slightly dimmer, or somthing like that. Can't remember. Interesting and important question though. Ed?


    Re: About death and what happens after
    « Reply #11 on: April 03, 2006, 01:48:18 pm »
    Interesting and important question though.
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