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Author Topic: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala  (Read 692 times)


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2009, 10:47:07 am »
The following flyers are seen scattered by Mistonian couriers and tradeships:

The Gala Gypsies are on the move! Be on the lookout for their caravan. If they visit your village, you could win money, jewlery, fine clothing, tickets to the Gala, and even raffle tickets!

Games, stories, scavenger hunts and more await those who find the Gala Gypsies!

///// Keep an eye on the player calender for periodic mini-events prior to the Gala. I'll post up calender links as the events are scheduled. /////


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2009, 12:01:59 pm »
Not but a few days after the previous flyers are circulated, new flyers appear:

Hear ye! Hear ye!
The Gala Raffle ticket prices have been slashed! Cut down by the mercenary's blade!
Until further notice, all raffle tickets will cost Twenty-five Thousand True, and the purchase limit is increased to four tickets. Raffle tickets will soon become available for pick-up at the Leringard Arms.

In addition, increasing demand for participation in the Gala means a change in the door charge. Until further notice, the price to get in is only One Thousand True or one material donation item. Acceptable donations are currently limited to wooden, cloth, and metal raw materials.



Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2009, 12:14:30 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
Well put Wren down for two tickets now and expect him at the Gala event, washed and well dressed and hopefully with a friend.

Wren Thendor

//numbers 149 and 150 please

Please add two more tickets to Wren. I will stop by the Arms shortly.

//numbers 147 and 152 please.


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2009, 04:38:36 pm »
*Jaelle mentions to Steel one day that she's been meaning to buy four tickets. She decides to let fate (or perhaps Steel) choose the numbers.*

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2009, 04:46:50 pm »
I'll take 2 tickets please - I picked up tickets Red 86 and Blue 49 and deposited the true in the chest.

Trenton Bartholomew

//I don't think I'm going to be able to get online that day, will this be an issue?


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2009, 04:58:07 pm »
I'd like one ticket, please.
 Ferrit Pandorn


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2009, 04:59:04 pm »
I'll take two additional tickets, please.
 Sala Stonehill

Lord Dark

Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2009, 05:11:43 pm »
I'd like three tickets, please!



Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2009, 05:24:22 pm »
//numbers 147 and 152 please.

//I don't think I'm going to be able to get online that day, will this be an issue?

/// More information to explain the above issues will actually be presented IC at a later (probably this weekend) time. ///


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2009, 08:37:00 pm »
Put Flynn down for one ticket


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2009, 11:24:22 am »
Another flyer circulated throughout Mistone:

And now, what everyone has been waiting for...

The Raffle Tickets are available for purchase. Simply visit the Leringard Arms at your convenience, enter the Loadson Tavern (first door on the right), and take up to four tickets from the chests. Lily, the Arms' hostess, will oversee the exchange. All payments for tickets should go in the chest marked "Ticket True Lockbox."

You will find three ticket colors: red, blue, and white. There are one hundred of each color. The colors will be used to randomly determine to which tier each ticket belongs at the time of the Gala.

/// Thanks to OneSt8 and Orth's work on the storage logging system, you can pick up your tickets whenever you wish, with the chests logging who removed which tickets and who left payment. The door to the Leringard Arms remains unlocked. ///


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2009, 12:14:46 pm »
/// News! We discovered what was causing the ticket error mentioned in this thread, and while we haven't been able to directly fix the issue, I have developed a workaround that will allow you to once again pick up tickets at your liesure. Essentially, each chest will only ever have one of each ticket color available. I will check every evening to restock any tickets taken. Thanks for your patience and be looking for the next announcement which will tell to which tier each item belongs.///


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2009, 06:50:20 pm »
Does this mean the tickets I have now are no good anymore? DO I have to go pick up more tickets to replace them?

I really really want to keep my numbers and colors :)


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2009, 01:02:11 am »
Nope, jrizz, no need to replace. Your tickets and every other purchased ticket is fine.

Also, the Tier of each item has been added to the table of raffle items.

Don't forget, even if you plan to attend the Gala with one of your characters, you can purchase tickets for your other characters that won't be attending the Gala. Just post the items they hope to win in the "Gala Raffle Items Sorted/Requests for Absent PCs" thread (and buy tickets, of course).


Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2009, 12:11:39 am »
/// Just want to say thanks to all who participated and made the event a lot of fun. It turned out to be very much worth the effort. :)