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Author Topic: Advice needed for a Character  (Read 278 times)


Advice needed for a Character
« on: June 02, 2006, 02:20:00 am »
Hey there.

I am thinking of making a new character – A dwarven Axe thrower .
But I have a bit of difficulties in how to "build"him….at least just to be a bit useful in a group ;)

I see that:
Strength is needed to carry all the axes *grins*
Strength will be added to the dmg which is also good
But the “to hit” is not that good – so should I go for dex as well? Some advice for feats?

Last thing.. Yes picking up a bow and use arrows would maybe be more efficient and less heavy but that no fun in that. :)

Guys, girls, lads, lass, kinsmen and kinlass – help please…


Re: Advice needed for a Character
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 03:44:37 am »
I don't know about trowing axes and stuff that goes around them so in terms of feats I'd say you should at least go for weapon experties and specialition (or whatever its called) I don't know about other feats you might be able to use.
The dex sounds like a good idea to take some points in. I say this because archers need it to, so it might be usefull for your character.
on tip from me you might need to think about using a normal axe as wel just in case your enemies get to close. Wether or not your going to take feats for this is up to you.

I hope this helps a bit and that someone else can help you further.



Re: Advice needed for a Character
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 09:15:30 am »
Some feats that are very useful for ranged fighters.
  * Called shotto keep things from hitting youand away from you.
  * Point Blank Shot (I think this applies to all ranged weapons including axes) for when you get to close to creatures in combat
  * Rapid shot for adding that extra attack a round even if it comes at a penalty, but later on it would be very useful
  * Improved Critical
  Just some of my thoughts.


Re: Advice needed for a Character
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 10:54:00 am »
Aragwen is on target (go figure, he plays an archer).  Point Blank shot is a must have feat for anyone who focuses in ranged attacks

Rapid shot would also be useful, because, oddly enough, I think it works for throwing weapons as well in NWN, unlike in PnP.

As far as attributes go, yes, you will need strength just to be able to carry the throwing axes.  However, you must have a decent dexterity since ranged attacks use your dex modifier for attack bonus.  I would suggest starting the character with an equal strength and dexterity, say, a 16 in each, but after that, primarily increasing your Dexterity.  

Also, if you're considering playing a dwarven axe thrower, you might consider the ranger class, since as an axe thrower you will end up wearing light armor anyways, and would thuse actually be able to make use of the dual wielding benefits of a ranger.  Of course, there are RP things to consider if you choose to go the ranger route.


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RE: Advice needed for a Character
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2006, 10:55:18 am »
Hmm, I'm not a fan of pure throwing characters myself, but you could dual wield axes and use throwing ones for range. I had a dwarven ranger built this way before, but it's also possible with Fighter. It was a fun character, and I had +5 vs drows at lvl 20 :D


RE: Advice needed for a Character
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2006, 11:03:12 am »
Other feats to consider are the Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack set, especially since you're already thinking about boosting DEX.  Dodge won't do a ranged fighter much good, but it's a requirement for the others, which will make it easier to re-establish position (polite way of saying run away) if a melee fighter tries to engage.  The alternative would be to wear lighter armor and go for Tumble ranks to accomplish the same thing (if your adjusted Tumble is 14 or higher, you can move freely without provoking and AoO), but Tumble is a cross-class skill for Fighters.

Yosemite Sam

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    Re: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #6 on: June 02, 2006, 12:11:22 pm »
    even with a 16 str, weight is gonna be a problem.  Throwing axes weigh 1 lb each, and missle classes can go through a lot.  Perago has used over 600 arrows in 2 hours when questing.


    RE: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #7 on: June 02, 2006, 12:51:41 pm »
    I don't usually like to respond to build questions as those discussions typically steer towards a superpower build, which isn't typically the gear Layo likes to drive in.

    But, an axe thrower is at a significant disadvantage all around for the most part.  So here you are with some ideas.  I do think fostering non-standard builds is a neat thing and can ultimately open up folks minds to less mainstream solutions, though I really hope you use this as just information as opposed to a non-character-based progression guideline.  

    I just love the sound of throwing axes zooming.

    Again, this is just a framework to show you where you can bypass the disadvantages.  That said, it's okay to not be maximized, and in most cases the creative unmaximized build will gather a lot more respect from peers.

    Disadvantages that will hinder you:

    - Ability stat splits and the ever vascillating tendency on the damage versus AB dilemma
    - Weight
    - Lack of weapon enchantment
    - As for weapon enchantment, the sheer madness of crafting all those enchanted throwing axes you will go through

    Answer for this?  Well if you really want it....Cleric/ Fighter.  Mostly cleric.  Focus on wisdom and strength.  Feats: Zen archery (almost positive it works on throwing axes), wf throwing axe, ws throwing axe, extend spell, point blank shot, rapid shot *edit - not sure rapid works on axes*, empower spell, sf transmutation, gsf transmutation.  Why transmutation?  The travel domain will afford you slow, web, entangle, and haste.  In other words, trap and slow them, or run and shoot.  All transmutation spells, including battletide dc for cursing.  Bear in mind you shouldn't choose your diety for the domains, so make sure it works with your character you have in mind.  Also very good setup for party play as you can really maximize that wisdom since you'll be getting +7 off bulls.  Extend haste, empower bulls and owls, all your ab/ damage spells and you're slowing the enemy down, dazing them off HoG, and picking them off from a good far vantage with 7 axes per round at 20 I think with haste, dp, and rapshot.  Oh.. and you're gmw'ing your axes, I think this works.  No need to strip mine Layonara for your throwing axe needs.

    Bard works well also, is more party oriented, but will have lower AB and damage and a harder stat spread.  In this case, no zen, focus on stat spells for dex/str and equipment for your cha.

    The biggest problem with being a thrower is the limitations presented by how good a crafted throwing weapon you can get.  So most of the non-magic alternatives will be hard in this respect for all the reasons above, mostly the enchantment, ability spread, and magic damage you can get on there.

    Once again the cleric shines brightly for all your needs.

    Ranger versions would be fun, as would rogues.  Though I think most monsters would turn on the rogue version of this and promptly shillack him.


    RE: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #8 on: June 02, 2006, 06:27:28 pm »
    Chongo - 6/2/2006  3:51 PM

    Ranger versions would be fun, as would rogues.  Though I think most monsters would turn on the rogue version of this and promptly shillack him.

    All too true.

    Anyway... I really hate the way NWN deals with thrown weapons. In PnP, I ALWAYS go after my thrown weapons. No exceptions, except when running for my life. That's also why I usually don't use spiffed-out throwing weapons; just the basics. Unfortunately, however, NWN does not let you pick your thrown weapons back up. This can be a problem, as, as Perago's player said, ranged-weapon-users tend to go through a ...load of ammunition. I used nine quivers of arrows (of 99 arrows, I should say) on a trip to Minotaur-land. Throwing axes are a pound a piece... You'd be better off going with slings, though you run into similar problems regarding damage and AB.

    I really support alternative character builds, but this one is seriously underpowered for NWN.

    If you want to do it, go for it, but I advise against it, simply because you'll have problems with combat. The RP might be great, but if you can't survive to get from place to place, then the RP will revolve around how many Soul Strands you've got left.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #9 on: June 02, 2006, 07:07:14 pm »
    I could totally see the dwarven cleric who uses throwing axes.  Though since you would likely be going for the "traditional dwarf" feel (since throwing axes, dwarven cleric... feels traditionally dwarvish) Travel domain isn't really an option unless you want to have a unconventional dwarf who has likely left dwarven lands to become a cleric of another god.

    Hmm, I suppose he could be a priest of Aragen, and go for the Dumathoin (FR) feel.  Aragen is the closest to the "dwarven lorekeeper/keeper of secrets" god, since there isn't a dwarven god devoted to such.  Though Aragen's openess of information doesn't completely jive with this concept.


    Re: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #10 on: June 02, 2006, 08:53:11 pm »
    With regard to the weight issues of axes, invest in some good bags or boxes with significant weight reduction.  For missile weapons the ammo is automatically selected from the box.  I'm not sure if the same holds true for thrown weapons.


    Re: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #11 on: June 02, 2006, 11:20:10 pm »
    It doesn't, Stragen. Thrown weapons are considered weapons of their own. It's like auto-equipping another longsword if yours gets eaten by a rust monster (which doesn't happen).


    Re: Advice needed for a Character
    « Reply #12 on: June 03, 2006, 06:04:13 am »
    Well, why not make him a Dwarven Paladin? You can give him a pure focus in Wisdom and Charisma. The charisma will boost your damage, and the wisdom will allow more spells and for zen archery. Your AB can be modified with equipment, you can get a boost of +9 charisma from spells, and you're able to boost your strength as well.

    Hey, if pure unresonable power is necessary, always go with a Paladin. :D


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      Re: Advice needed for a Character
      « Reply #13 on: June 03, 2006, 04:09:58 pm »
      Well, the weight of the axes is a certain downfall, otherwise strength wouldn't be as important.

      Here's a radical, probably terrible, but radical idea.

      Fighter (for feats) / monk (for WIS AC bonus)

      High Wis / Str (in that order)
      Med Dex (you'd need it for armor as well)
      Dump the rest in CON (dwarves have +2 so you're already pretty good)

      Feat : Zen Archery

      Basically, you would be wearing cloth armor (no cap on dex bonus) to get the wisdom modifier to your AC from the Monk, and also, because you don't have a large armor, you can carry more axes :D

      Just a thought.


      Re: Advice needed for a Character
      « Reply #14 on: June 03, 2006, 04:15:51 pm »
      Fighter/Monk is an idea, aye, but you can't freely multiclass like that on Layo. If he somehow came up with an RP justification for a Dual-class character (something I'll be trying, soon) on Layo, MAYBE. But the liklihood is rather low of it being approved.


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        Re: Advice needed for a Character
        « Reply #15 on: June 03, 2006, 04:18:02 pm »
        D'oh, my mistake. Well, if he decides to try it out, then we must help him come up with a backstory! To the notepad!


        Re: Advice needed for a Character
        « Reply #16 on: June 04, 2006, 08:16:53 am »
        *looks at all the response*

        Thank you all for the advice!!!!!  
        It is good to see all the help folks give you here - I really appreciate it.
        Seems there are more ways to go around this then I had in mind. ...

        I will look it all over again and again and again........... and make my final choice.  ;)

        Once more - Thank you all for helping me


