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Author Topic: Ael  (Read 258 times)


« on: November 13, 2005, 08:20:00 pm »
Well, this is one of those things where I don’t know where to start, but that’s not going to stop me from diving in.

Aether.  What can I say?  You and I started discussing this in July, and after a ton of incredibly high quality and very devoted work on your part, we have nearly brought this very important chapter in Ael’s life to a close.  Very nearly, I say, because you are even giving me a small epilogue - again, which clearly shows your great devotion to being the superb gm that you are.

All of us involved in Layo are serious gamers.  And I would rather spend time here, with all of you, both in-game and on the forums, than doing any other recreational activity (although my distance running is a close second lol). My point here is that this has been a truly memorable experience - something I will never forget, period.

Again, Aether, “Thank You” just doesn’t seem to cut it.  But I just want to reiterate that I will never forget this.  I’m laughing at myself here, because I have been sitting for ten or more minutes trying to come up with something more - as you know, I prefer overkill, but that’s just not happening right now, lol. ;)

One thing, though, AEther: no dancing balor princes at the end?!  Come on, man!  I guess he might have to make an appearance at the Arms when we celebrate this. ;)  

Thanks to Ogz and Mixafix for helping AEther with the gm’ing today in the final episode.  But Ogz, sometime I hope you’ll let me try that super high jump you used in your exit..that looked so fun! ;)

Thanks to each one of the players involved.  First off, if we hadn’t worked so closely together, none of us would have survived - end of story.  But we pulled it off together and came out with a decisive victory, meeting and exceeding all the marks Ael had established for this mission.  Both teams - Assault Team and Rescue Team, did an incredible job; truly, this was some of the best group work I have ever seen to date in my gaming career.  My hat is off to you guys - each of you deserves a huge standing ovation.  Consider it given! :)

And a special thanks to each of the players who went out of their way to help Ael prepare for this.  Each of your preparations made a huge difference in this.  Many of you attended the planning meetings I held when you could have been doing other things. Rolf prepared wands, scrolls, potions; I am laughing right now, as I recall all the stuff Rolf handed to Ael at the opening of the episode.  You truly outdid yourself, Rolf - superb work!’re incredible!  You are very loving and caring - and all those healing potions you took time to make for us kept us alive - no doubts about that.  Yardislan helped with gathering potions ingredients; he crafted scrolls and potions -again, this all made a huge difference.

Sahala - you helped me come up with the winning strategy; you led Rescue Team superbly; and you helped out with many of the others who were preparing things for this.  You also helped me coordinate those preparations.  This would not have gone so well if it weren’t for you.  Thank you so very much, Sahala. :)

Each person involved in this put our team above themselves at all times.  I cannot take credit for any of this, from a player’s standpoint - because there simply was no “I” involved in this effort - and everyone else had the same attitude.  So in closing, I am going to list the folks who went along with Ael.  This is truly an honor roll of exceptional players and characters, in my opinion.  Now again, I am laughing at myself...because as I write this note, I am beyond exhausted – in real-life that is - my comfy bed is really calling to me, lol.  So most likely I might leave someone out of this - whoever it is, please give me hell. ;)

Sahala; Alantha; Jacchri; Dorena; Garnet; Skarp; Quantum; Myalla; Yardislan; Ayla; Barion; Lokri; Rolf; Daren; Jade; Zanirth; Marainna; Eluriewyn; Alantha’s Pixie (I can never remember her name - it’s cute though ;) )    

And a special thanks to Annun for some awesome rp on thoroughly challenging Ael to justify his plans on the grounds of the faith he claimed to profess - even though she ultimately refused to accompany Ael's group, again based on her interpretation of religious teachings.

Good night all!  See you very soon in-game! :)


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2005, 08:55:00 pm »
Good job to all three of the gm's and to the players. I see a lot of :) faces in that post.


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 12:18:00 am »
This was the most insane battle i have ever been a part of, Skarp just kept chopping limb after limp of the attacking drows,  gulped down a healing potion once in a while and just continued... TUMBS UP!! OGZ

And i really liked that we had no knowlegde of what the other group did, after the battle we were totally unaware of the result. we knew that we had survived but had it been a success... I had to restrain myself from sending a tell to the others and asking them how it went but i figured it would spoil the fun.

The only thing that bugs me is that Garnet managed to tackle Dorena before i tried to knock her out cold. :)

*skarp stands in drow body parts to his armpits, he has been battling for hours but finally it seems to be over. He takes a quick look around and walks out of pile and is quickly flanked by Rolf and Quantum then he says*

"I am still not affraid of you ozg, cause"

*all 3 of them tear their armors of, and stands there in miniskirt and top in red, orange and yellow, respectively, and starts singing and dancing"

"I'ma survivor (What?) I'm gonna make it (What?) I will survive (What?) Keep on
survivin' (What?) I'ma survivor (What?) I'm not gon..."



RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 01:27:00 am »
I have to fully agree with Yllyrryon.
  Aether did a great job on all the episodes I was on. I really loved the statue puzzle we faced in the first installment.
  Last night the battle in front of the temple was good fun, till the Soul Mother invited me for tea. She must have send someone special to come get me, because one moment I was still in full health and the next I was laying dead at the feet of a drow master rogue. Guess she really likes me *winks*.
  But good fight Ogz. Well controlled spawns for the part I was there, *angry glare at Ogz* except for the drow master rogue. Poor Jacc had no chance, was dead in three sneak attack hits (took a mere 3 seconds). But nobody said it was going to be easy *grins*. No hard feelings Ogz.......*quietly plans his revenge....ponders...someone said he has a kill DM wand*
  It was great fun, nice cut scene, though I did not want to see it and was not suppose too. After that cut scene I think Jacc will retire to crafting and teaching new adventurers some skills.....NOT!!
  Thanks to Ael for inviting Jacc and thanks to Aether, Ogz, Mixa for a great quest. Was fun to be an orc again for while.


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 04:03:00 am »
Heh heh great quest last nigth ;)
And even if some of us got stabbed in the back by allies...well let's get real, never, ever trust something called dark-anything...Toons 'f foon :p

Between the 44th and 45th drow attacking wave:
Lokri: Haw many does dat make, naw?
Skarp: *shrugs* 100 or so I think.
Rolf: Nay, nay we hit the 100 around thee 30th wave.
Quantum: 155 and some extra arms and legs, HERE they come again!...

Lokri, Drow Exterminator, Hrendhamer

PS to Mom: Ae be tinken 't be e time te git e new Baylor as yer current one is a rather shoody accounten :p


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 04:42:00 am »
aragwen - 11/14/2005  10:27 AM

Was fun to be an orc again for while.

Aye and for the last time *runs away so no one can see him crying*

Did a quick and dirty calculation on the number of drows killed by us: 200-240 (assummming that all of them gave at least 230 exp pr head, i think that some gave less) besides that the dark druids and their companions killed a lot so it might be close to 300... Wouldn't have belived that so many people lived in that little temple if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2005, 06:22:00 am »
*he takes off his hat...oh wait, he doesn't wear a hat*
  Once again, everyone, whether you have been there since the beginning back in...what, early September I think is when we started...or if you just showed up for the orc-fueled destruction fest all did a great job in assisting Ael with his goals, keeping him on track, making him think, etc.
  A big, big thanks to lonnarin (Ogz) and mixafix for coming through in the 11th hour (literally) and filling in for Vyris, who's connection is apparently on the fritz now for the 3rd straight day. I truly could not have done this without their help, and in fact, I likely would have rescheduled, because as you all saw, there was far too much going on.
  And thanks all for your patience through the two technical glitches that caused a couple of breaks in action and immersion. Your patience and willingness to stay put while we got things reset was much appreciated.
  Both groups did a very nice job with the uncertainty of what the other group was facing, what they were doing, etc.  After everything was over, the uncertainty of not knowing whether your companions were trapped, if they had accomplished their goals, etc.....nicely played. 
  Oh, and kudos to Alantha for sending her pixie to find out about the other group. And by that I don't mean "sendign her pixie" in the meta-game cell phone sense but actually possessing and sending her pixie familiar all the way from the Serpent Mountains to Saudiria and back! Very well done!
  I have to say, as a group you guys pulled together very well, and especially for this last installment.  A disorganized group would have ended in such a miserable failure that it's not even funny....probably a few more tokens as well.
  And speaking of...Jacc, you have got to be the unluckiest character ever in terms of tokens...At least this one was something's not like you wandered into a den of rabid hamsters.  Being sliced down by Drow Master Rogue is something of an honor and a priviledge, and to gain a token in the process is even more so! ;)
  And whoever said don't ever trust anything with "Dark" in the name...yeah, good advice!
  Lastly, and specifically to Yllyrryon, I'd like to thank you directly for your deep involvement in this series, not only during the quests but before we even started and in between each and every segment.  The amount of detail and thought that has gone into your character's inner mind and personal background has been absolutely terrific, and it gave me plenty of fuel for crafting this chapter of your character's life.
  Oh...and the dancing Balor...Yeah, he was pretty worn out from this 2nd job at the Leilon Arms the other night...either that or that wife of his had him scrubbing grout. *shrugs*  Maybe next time.
  Just so you all know, for your efforts, your names and likenesses have been scribed to parchment and posted prominently in every major drow city and minor settlement.  *runs away cackling insanely*


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2005, 06:39:00 am »
I would just like to add my thanks as well to all the players and Ael for coordinating an excellent quest. The GMs did an unbelievable job. This was one of the best coordinated quests I've been a part of (with multiple teams and all). You all took it to a new level for me. Thanks for a wonderful experience. Keep it up :)

My only regret (and I'm not a blood thirsty kind of person), is that I missed the epic drow onslaught having been on the rescue team. Bard's will be singing about that one for centuries. Good work on the assault team!

See everyone in Layo...

- Jade


RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2005, 07:11:00 am »
Oh...One more thing.
  I was a little rushed at the end of the quest, so whoever has the "powder" needs to dispose of that rather quickly.  The gnome who sold it to you neglected to tell you that is has a rather short shelf-life and starts to get more unstable with age.  Spontaneous, rapid comubustion could occur as a result of unnecessary jarring, bumping or other physical or thermal stresses. Such detonations have been known to cause large fireballs and possible chain reactions to those nearby who may also be in possession of said powder.
  It can be rendered inert by soaking in water for several days. Once inert, its only use would be for topsoil, as its contains a substance that turns out to be a rather excellent fertilizer.
  Or you could just toss it into a trash receptacle and hope for the best. :)
  Either way...whoever has those things, do not use them for CNR.  They were for weight purposes only, and I simply forgot to take them back from you.


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    RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
    « Reply #9 on: November 14, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
    All our likenesses are posted in major drow cities?  You mean there was a CaDuzite drow that survived?  :)


    RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
    « Reply #10 on: November 14, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
    Dorganath - 11/14/2005 3:22 PM   And speaking of...Jacc, you have got to be the unluckiest character ever in terms of tokens...At least this one was something's not like you wandered into a den of rabid hamsters.  Being sliced down by Drow Master Rogue is something of an honor and a priviledge, and to gain a token in the process is even more so! ;)

      *laughs* so I am double priviledged, because this is the second time a Drow Master Rogue slice me in tiny pieces followed by the Soul Mother calling me. I had the other priviledge in the Great Dungeon. Seems drow are recruited by the Soul Mother to hunt me down, because a Drow Mage also go the better of me on the trip to Dragon Isles followed by another visit from her.
      *Makes a mental note* Stay away from drow you dont know and get an armor with DR against drow.


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    RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
    « Reply #11 on: November 14, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
    OK where do I start? Well first Ael THANK YOU for giving me the Invite. This CDQ was really fun and Garnet enjoyed it. All but the death, and on that point Thanks go to Ayla for raising me :)

    Next all the GM's did a wonderfull job, AEther you handeled the rescue team great! I really liked the trap-door behind the crates. I'm just glad Garnet is a Dwarf and when he sets his mind to something he does it. As you saw he was told to stop destroying the crates but did not. Dwarf Frustration? ;)  And Ogz it sounded like you did a super job there to. Mixafix I don't know what you did but I do know (as I have PnP DM'ed for a long time) that GM's are 90% - 10% so thanks for all the hard work, that goes for Vyris too. (for all that don't know its "setup - gamming")

    As to the ATTACK team I will have to wait for the bards to sing of it! (hint hint)

    Finally Sahala, and the rest of the Rescue Team, I cannot think of a way that will have meaning to all so I will say this my way: (In Hawaiian) Ho'omaika'i Ho'i Mahalo. (Thank You and Congratulations!) As my boys would say: (Dad) your team ROCKS!

    As to my tackle :) gess my monk just moves quicker than you lol ;)



    RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
    « Reply #12 on: November 14, 2005, 10:13:00 am »
    Dorganath - 11/14/2005  3:22 PM     ...Just so you all know, for your efforts, your names and likenesses have been scribed to parchment and posted prominently in every major drow city and minor settlement.  *runs away cackling insanely*
     *Thinks a sec and then laughs* Har! first ae be getten 'ne 'f Blooods general mad 't me 'n naw, drows...heh heh gotta be doen someting 'ight *downs an ale and belches*  Again thanks to the DM team for a blast ;)


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      RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
      « Reply #13 on: November 14, 2005, 03:06:00 pm »
      Yllyrryon - 11/14/2005  5:20 AM
      Many of you attended the planning meetings I held when you could have been doing other things. Rolf prepared wands, scrolls, potions; I am laughing right now, as I recall all the stuff Rolf handed to Ael at the opening of the episode.  You truly outdid yourself, Rolf - superb work!

      Thanks! Truly appreciated – it’s nice to able to put them to good use.

      I enjoyed myself on the quest - never have I seen such carnage as that which took place at the temple doors. Wave after wave hit us until finally we had to fall back. A tenth into the battle I was convinced it was over - how many more drow could we/would we face and still they just kept coming.

      Then in the second assault when we fought our way inside the temple we must have been knee-deep in drow blood, but the team fought on healing each other with potions and wands as we best could. A superb job all-round in a battle that can only be described as desperate – well done! Q – I am very grateful for that timely healing when I went below.

      The best moment of the quest was when we were fighting in the final chamber together with the dark druids. Out of spells, wards and luck it took on a surreal dimension and I got convinced we took part in a John Woo movie! I pulled Rolf back from the main fight with the treants and started hammering (quite literally) every wave that came into the fight with what wands I had, pausing only to whack the stray drow that decided to charge Rolf with his flail. There might have been something else on the screen, but inside all I could see was Rolf flying through the air with two wands firing at full automatic.

      It was a very good quest and it must have taken a tremendous effort from the GMs! If anyone wants a good laugh read the description on Ogz (thanks Skarp for telling me).

      On a sad note
      I could not help getting upset when Jacchri got his ninth DT. If there is one player on the server who doesn’t deserve nine DT’s its Jacchri. He must be the most unlucky player on the server and in my mind the least deserving of such bad luck.  


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        RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
        « Reply #14 on: November 14, 2005, 03:06:00 pm »
        Yllyrryon - 11/14/2005  5:20 AM
        Many of you attended the planning meetings I held when you could have been doing other things. Rolf prepared wands, scrolls, potions; I am laughing right now, as I recall all the stuff Rolf handed to Ael at the opening of the episode.  You truly outdid yourself, Rolf - superb work!

        Thanks! Truly appreciated – it’s nice to able to put them to good use.

        I enjoyed myself on the quest - never have I seen such carnage as that which took place at the temple doors. Wave after wave hit us until finally we had to fall back. A tenth into the battle I was convinced it was over - how many more drow could we/would we face and still they just kept coming.

        Then in the second assault when we fought our way inside the temple we must have been knee-deep in drow blood, but the team fought on healing each other with potions and wands as we best could. A superb job all-round in a battle that can only be described as desperate – well done! Q – I am very grateful for that timely healing when I went below.

        The best moment of the quest was when we were fighting in the final chamber together with the dark druids. Out of spells, wards and luck it took on a surreal dimension and I got convinced we took part in a John Woo movie! I pulled Rolf back from the main fight with the treants and started hammering (quite literally) every wave that came into the fight with what wands I had, pausing only to whack the stray drow that decided to charge Rolf with his flail. There might have been something else on the screen, but inside all I could see was Rolf flying through the air with two wands firing at full automatic.

        It was a very good quest and it must have taken a tremendous effort from the GMs! If anyone wants a good laugh read the description on Ogz (thanks Skarp for telling me).

        On a sad note
        I could not help getting upset when Jacchri got his ninth DT. If there is one player on the server who doesn’t deserve nine DT’s its Jacchri. He must be the most unlucky player on the server and in my mind the least deserving of such bad luck.  


        RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
        « Reply #15 on: November 15, 2005, 08:06:00 pm »
        I was a little rushed at the end of the quest, so whoever has the "powder" needs to dispose of that rather quickly.  The gnome who sold it to you neglected to tell you that is has a rather short shelf-life and starts to get more unstable with age.  Spontaneous, rapid comubustion could occur as a result of unnecessary jarring, bumping or other physical or thermal stresses. Such detonations have been known to cause large fireballs and possible chain reactions to those nearby who may also be in possession of said powder.

        It can be rendered inert by soaking in water for several days. Once inert, its only use would be for topsoil, as its contains a substance that turns out to be a rather excellent fertilizer.

        *Ael grins darkly as he considers selling the remaining Powder One to one of those Pawn Shop Brokers who constantly rips off everyone.  He laughs quietly at himself and shrugs, thinks better of it, gets out his canteen and soaks the powder in each packet before resealing it and selling it for the standard "going rate" of 1gp.*

        Just so you all know, for your efforts, your names and likenesses have been scribed to parchment and posted prominently in every major drow city and minor settlement.  *runs away cackling insanely*

        Hhhmm....likenesses of of several ugly and very mean orcs who will most likely never be seen again?  And how did they get our names?

        As for the non-orcs, take it as an honor, a mark of distinction, as Lokri did.  Who knows, perhaps it could provide the basis for some more awesome cdq's for each of you?  ;)



        RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
        « Reply #16 on: November 15, 2005, 08:26:00 pm »
        Yllyrryon - 11/15/2005 10:06 PM
          Hhhmm....likenesses of of several ugly and very mean orcs who will most likely never be seen again? And how did they get our names?

          *hearing Ael's words, he suddenly stops cackling and runs back*
          So you're assuming that every drow associated with that temple died in that temple?
          *wicked evil grin, then more cackling and running in random directions*


        RE: Ael’s Cdq: Truly, Thank You
        « Reply #17 on: November 15, 2005, 09:44:00 pm »
        *he laughs*

        I'm not assuming anything.  ;)

        Okay, you got me man!  Can't wait to see where this will lead. lol