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Author Topic: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.  (Read 162 times)


Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« on: November 06, 2006, 02:47:28 pm »
Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.

Hi all,
this is a thread for the player like me how loves playing just low level PCs for the fun and the RP.

As you may have found Layo gets hard around level 9 and for good resion, its to limet the number of players who hit the higher levels that's so the world dos not get over run with level 40s. (Trust me there are players here who put so many hours they could do this in weeks). So the writing and DM team keep that level hill nice and steep.

This can seem like bad news is if you only have a few hours when you can play like me, and find it hard to fix time for gm games, to us epic is years of play with one pc.

but there is another way, the way of low levels.

So If like me you like RP and dont realy fancey trying to clime that hill then this is your thread.

Its for low level players, the idear here is that instead of having 1 PC, you have many fun and intaresting PCs who will never get past 9th level.

Just playing low level PCs can be a lot of fun and a rich place for RP, where the higher levels are worrying about saving the world, we can be out seeking that 100 coin for our bed and hot food or a good bath. Im talking Qwarky, odd ball PCs that hang about Hlint adding textuer and fun to the world with out all this rushing around for XP.

In other games they would be the NPCS the Grunts the towns fowk, the grate unwashed, but for us the low levelers they are the meat of RP.

I see us as the Bit part players, the walk on parts, the One line wonders, you know them on TV shows and films

we are the

The Exstras.

and a god send to DMs
even with a few hours of play we the low levers well be ready to bring bad or good news to a party, call them names and throw rocks as they pass. Be that grompy shop keeper, the drunk, the snoty princess and evem drop dead when needed.

My idear is most partys just talk to one NCP at a time the GM in drag, but with a low leveler the DM can let us entertain them with our death throws has they move on to the next big part of the DM game. In and out thats our job, low level and proud, 15 mins of fame,

So my idear for this thread is to post your low level PC idears, talk about what they may be and do,
in fact any thing you like. Also to let the DMs see who we are and when we are online so they can call on us when they need us as bit part players in any of there games.

So my 1st Q is
Do you like the idear of a low level thread? for low level players

Talan Va'lash

RE: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 02:53:23 pm »
NEXUS7 - 11/6/2006  3:47 PM
Im talking Qwarky, odd ball PCs that hand about Hlint adding texter and fun.

You've done this before if I recall correctly :)


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Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 09:36:11 pm »
WAY WAY back in the days when I was a GM, I used to just randomly take control of NPCs and converse with the players.  Most of the time I could tell the player was momentarily stunned by the turn of events.

Also a fun one I used to do, was I would control Erag, and then walk right up to someone, and stare at them.  And then as they would walk away I would mutter something about them being impolite and not saying hi.

And then there was once or twice where I would make Erag just follow them.  And as soon as they would turn around, I'd turn Erag the other way and whistle.  I followed someone from Hlint to Pranzis that way once.


Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 11:04:44 pm »
One of my favorite low level NPC's for pen and paper gaming was 'Eric, the generic cleric' It got to be such a joke that nobody in the party was worth a... uhm, darn at playing a cleric, I forbid them to play paladins and stared them down if they linger too long on the 'monk' section in the players handbook. I don't think between them they could muster a pure thought most days if left to their own devices... Add some vices, such as beer, and it's definately an amoral, but fun time.

Anyhow, Eric is absolutely plain, all of his stats are '12'. He's had a hard time at the seminary, he just can't seem to master the third level spells, but he keeps going out with these morons because they pay well, and instead of flunking him out of the seminary the abbot has turned poor Eric into a cash cow through his tithes. Gotta love that vow of poverty.

Anyhow, I let my dry sense of humor fly sometimes with Eric, and it makes for some really fun interaction.



Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 02:59:51 am »
While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Nexus, I think it may be misplaced as to setting up some group of players who will only play characters to level nine, and then drop them.

I know that levelling after nine is hard. I also know that it gets easier after 12... But the point I offer up is that it's not about levels.

The reason I've already had three PCs deleted, with two more likely, is not because it's hard to level with them. It's because the RP didn't pan out over the longer haul. I didn't enjoy playing the characters, so I stopped. (In one case, the character actually retired.)

I have only had one character ever even reach level nine... Or eight, for that matter. The reason I kept playing was because I enjoyed roleplaying with that character, which is the same reason I've kept playing with the others. The levels will come, eventually... Just stick with it.

As for playing bunches of low level characters, I'm a huge advocate of the idea. Most of my characters ARE low-level, and they're great fun to play as they get used to the adventuring life. I just don't think that there's a draw for a coalition of low-level players to be used as DM props any more than they already are ( ;) ). After all, anyone can take part in a quest.


Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 03:15:40 am »
nexus ive seen all your posts about the wall of level 9 ad how you will never have a char higher then that

if you stick to one char instead of so many you will get to the levels you covet so much
and it doesnt take 12 hours per day  to do it
just be hunter
or a crafter
but stick to it and you will see the levels come before you know it
set a goal of one char to be able to buy a horse for example
and make sure you stick with that char
even if it takes you a year
if you stop thinking about it
it will come


Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 04:31:00 am »


Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 05:04:05 am »
Nexus7 - without making to many assumptions here.

"RP is what its all about so thats just what im doing" - If so why do you even care about your lvl?

"Time it all comes down to time. I just dont have that much to do weeks of farming for XP and i dont wont to" - By using the word farming. It is rather subjective but true... you earn xp by farming...
You kill a monster and your persuade skills gets better
You kill a monster and your taunt skills gets better
You kill a monster and your weapon skills gets better
--you know what I am getting at?

Layo, all computer games are “static” and therefore you can only get xp/lvl by chopping and chopping unless there is a GM. But imagine a GM should look over all players....impossible..+ how to divide xp for RP which is not static? Crazy…

"I like RP and so just sticking to that means low levels".... true but then again why do you even care about lvls then?

I like your ways and strict RP... but personally it cracks every time to you come down to lvls. (Only my opinion). In my opinion you should never mix RP and lvl in one discussion as one has nothing to do with the other.

Levels will just give you better dice rolls and that’s not what RP is about…


Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 06:57:44 am »
*sighs sadly* Nexus, why do you keep starting threads about "great wall", "low levels" and all of that? It is a clear cut case of a player in the community that is trying to stir up flames. You have started so many of these threads that it has now become humorous. Lets not start any more of these threads as I think all of the ones you now have going should be enough to get your point across. The point being that you are not happy and you are going to let the community know about it. That is the exact tone of every single one of these threads--over the long course of the thread at least.



Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 07:27:26 am »
Hi Leanthar,
I realy am sorry if I come across as some one who " a player in the community that is trying to stir up flames." that was never ever my intent, and I dont wont to be a bore on this matter.
I can split my posts down into two parts, The fustartion that the level thing was there and "ok its there but for good resen" posts.
The Grate wall post was the turning point, this was about just what I said at the start, trying to find a Layo game style that works with none fixed game time. I was unhappy but I exspet the way things are now and im just trying to do my best.

I take on bord what yours saying I have become winner whos just flogging the same old house over and over I will not post on this matter again. I do not wont to get banned and I dont wont to stir up flames do web site grefing or take away from the fun.


