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Author Topic: An Xmass gift for Leanthar  (Read 226 times)


An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« on: October 19, 2005, 03:57:00 am »
Hi all Layonites, I was thinking that it would be grate to get Leanthar a gift for Christmas.
We all love him for the mad level of work he and his team put into making a grate world for us all to play in.
Ok I know Christmas is some time off but planning is all.
My idea is to have a whip round to give him nice surprise under the xmass tree come
Dec 25th.

So here’s a Poll on what we should give the Load of Layonara
registered users can add options


RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 05:24:00 am »
Where is the option

"celebrating xmas is against my religious and or political believes, besides Jesus wasn't born on the 24 of december since the sheep herders were watching the flock during the lambing season"...



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    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 05:44:00 am »
    Harloff - 10/19/2005  1:24 PM

    Where is the option

    "celebrating xmas is against my religious and or political believes, besides Jesus wasn't born on the 24 of december since the sheep herders were watching the flock during the lambing season"...

    LOL! I can sympathise with your point, though I guess what really matters is whether Leanthar celebrates Christmas or not, not the giver


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    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #3 on: October 19, 2005, 07:34:00 am »
    "Indaviduel parts for the 4th severs + a Donactions"

    for this to be reality, we would have to donate more than we do now so that Leanthar could afford the monthly costs of a 4th server (myself included).  I'm going to donate (strike that), gift to Leanthar for him to spend on himself.  He gives us so much without even asking who we are or what is in it for him.

    I only wish I could shake his hand and thank him personally.

    Funny, I feel this way and I do not even play very much.

    Thanks L!

    I like the idea of him getting something for his whole family.  I believe this because, without THEIR support Layonara as we know would not exist either.

    Thanks L's family!

    By the way NEXUS, thanks for the idea.  I wish I was gracious enough to think of it!


    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #4 on: October 19, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
    I say lots and lots of cards plus individual donations. That should get a smile on his face. Its way more fun than one large sum of money in a sigle donation. :)


    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 07:51:00 am »
    dude, seriously, this ain't a thread about the validity of christmas, it's about giving back to someone who gave us a massive amount of fun and something we care about.

    So who cares what day, or what reason.  We deem December 25th to be the day we give back to those that give to us, and that's what I'm gonna do.  Tell me where to donate and how, and I'm on it.


    RE: An Xmas gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #6 on: October 19, 2005, 07:51:00 am »
    Just a question about "parts for another server" How does the colocation agreement with MAE-WEST work? Does it actually have L's equipment, or does he lease their equipment? I just ask because I occasionally get insane deals on server parts through my job. I assumed that Layonara was all leased and couldn't benefit from a faster server. Does anyone know? Though the point about another server pumping up the monthly costs is a valid one. But maybe 3 faster servers...


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    RE: An Xmas gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #7 on: October 19, 2005, 07:56:00 am »
    SquareKnot - 10/19/2005  7:51 AM

    But maybe 3 faster servers...

    Now that's an idea of what we can give ourselves for Christmas!  ;)


    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #8 on: October 19, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
    Thak - 10/19/2005  8:41 AM

    I say lots and lots of cards plus individual donations. That should get a smile on his face. Its way more fun than one large sum of money in a sigle donation. :)

    I dunno about that... "Large sum of money" always makes me think happy thoughts...



    RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
    « Reply #9 on: October 19, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
    miltonyorkcastle - 10/19/2005  4:51 PM

    dude, seriously, this ain't a thread about the validity of christmas, it's about giving back to someone who gave us a massive amount of fun and something we care about.

    *grins* succes... I was just pulling your leg. Since I was a kid I have loved provoking people and I still can't help it.

    But seriously, I really can't see why people need an excuse like christmas in order to make a donation it seems a bit lame to me. If you want to donate please do so but why can't you do it all year around?


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      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #10 on: October 19, 2005, 08:25:00 am »
      i would, but christmas is the only time of the year i dish out money..if your lucky..or should i say unlucky, since i'll be chucking 1p coins at carol singers and telling them to shut it. your lucky. I'm like scrooge. haven't given anyone a christmas present..ever. when i donate at christmas for this, Leanthar should feel proud. he'll be the first person to ever get anything off me at christmas. apart from those carol singers who get a severe beating......

      Bah! Humbug!


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #11 on: October 19, 2005, 08:39:00 am »
      I have to save up to give over christmas.  If I gave all year round, I'd be giving lolly pops every month instead of whole candy machine I can give by saving until christmas.  The idea behind having the one day to give instead of , like, everyday, is so you can have the time to prepare and save to give a thoughtful, worthwhile gift.


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #12 on: October 19, 2005, 08:39:00 am »
      oh, and did I mention I'm a Christmas nut?... I love Christmas!!!  best dang time of the year!!!   :)  :)  :)

      Thunder Pants

      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #13 on: October 19, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
      "My idea is to have a whip round to give him nice surprise under the xmass tree come
      Dec 25th. "

      if your trying to surprise im perhaps setting up a pole on his website isn't the best of ideas though, no?


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #14 on: October 19, 2005, 09:00:00 am »
      >But seriously, I really can't see why people need an excuse like Christmas in order to make a donation it seems a bit lame to me.
      I know what ya saying Harloff but this was just a way to see how players and team felt about giving a gift to Leanthar him self
      and to see what it should be if any thing.
      As for Xmass it’s just seen by most as the time for giving that special gift.
      Just wonted to see how othere felt about giving Leanthar a special gift insted of stuff for Layonara which in fact is like giving to our selfs
      as we in the end, end up using said stuff.

      I was just hoping to start a buzz and see where went.
      I hope it ends with a box under the tree with some thing just for special Leanthar and his family.


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #15 on: October 19, 2005, 09:01:00 am »
      Lets hold off on servers for a while folks.  We will need them in about six months though. :)
        They will be Dell servers (they have treated us very well for nearly four years now and I work with them day to day for a decade now.
        Also... we have 5 servers running Layonara, not just 3.


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #16 on: October 19, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
      Wow 5 Leanthar did not know that, but by the look of the Pole it has to be a gift for the whole family.

      Now no peeking Leanthar at the poll or you will ruin the surprise. :o)

      Once the Poll is in Ill keep the resolts and rase the the gift idaer again closer to Xmass.
      So as to see if we can pull this off and Keep it a surprise.



      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #17 on: October 19, 2005, 09:12:00 am »
      FIVE?!!!  Holy Mother....  I don't even want to know the cost for that.  Thank the heavens for you Leanthar.  I don't know how you do it.  I don't make a ton of money and can't give on a regular basis (I'm a school teacher in a small town), but if it comes down to it, and Layo is in a bind or whatnot, I'll gladly sell my left kidney to keep it up and going.


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #18 on: October 19, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
      Heh, well I'll do what I can, but being a grad student living off a small stipend in the city doesn't leave room for much "giving".


      RE: An Xmass gift for Leanthar
      « Reply #19 on: October 19, 2005, 09:29:00 am »
      Thats Ok shadowBlade225 I dont think we will comparing who gives what.
      When I was an Art student I hand made card for xmass i felt they said more about giving than and shop card did.
      Each card enderviduely made and sent in a hand made envalop, some freands still have them today.

      I mean if we all sent one card each to Leanthar each he would have a wall full of cards from around the world
      each from a gratfull player.

