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Author Topic: New Router!!  (Read 87 times)


New Router!!
« on: August 30, 2006, 04:55:09 am »
At last.....Ive a new router arriving tomorrow!

Ive complained to BT several times, staying on hold for like 20minutes before speaking to someone who didnt have a clue what to do. All it took was one e-mail, and an hour later....a new one is in the post. Typical!

Id like to thank the GMs and PCs who put up with Sallaron logging in and out constantly due to the dodgy router.
I was beginning to run out of RP reasons for this happening ( falling off the bench in Hlint and dissapearing for 10minutes may not have cut it! )

And to Boon.....hope you got my message last night before it logged me off for good. I couldnt get back on after that....but escaped from the caves easily enough this morning.


Re: New Router!!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 05:04:53 am »
Hehe SBC got so fed up with me burnign routers they gave me a Wi-fi/4 port DSL/Router with a 2 year warranty on it. I can host up to 14 pcs on this bugger and not choke up bandwith


RE: New Router!!
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 05:06:29 am »
*cheers* hurra! more exploration of mistone 8)