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Author Topic: NWN book by prima  (Read 96 times)

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NWN book by prima
« on: November 03, 2005, 12:01:00 pm »
I was told today that there was a book published some years back for NWN. This book although thick, gave the tools and templates for those that had the original game, to be able to design and write their own ideas into the game. I would like to find a copy of this book, if it even exists any more.
Or, better yet, inquire if it is possible for this book to have it scanned and perhaps allow access by this forums membership?

(the reason for this inquiry, is I am having difficulty trying to wrap my thoughts around scripting)


RE: NWN book by prima
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if this book exists, scanning it and putting it up on the forums would be a pretty big copyright violation, so don't expect that to happen.
  However, if scripting is your focus, I believe there are some scripting tutorials out there, at least one of which is on/linked from Bioware's NWN web site at
  Also, if "learning by example" is your thing, you might want to check out Lilac Soul's NWScript Generator. It generates scripts based on a series of questions and scenarios.  Granted these scripts are rarely 100% the way one might like them to be, but often it gets a scripter most of the way there.   Also, it allows you to make a script that's most of what you need, look at it, tear it apart bit by bit, figure out how it works and tweak it to your liking.  You should be able to find this on Bioware's site and the NWVault as well.
  Lastly, check out the Neverwinter Nights Lexicon at It is a source for more complete documentation than Bioware provides along with examples, implementation notes, etc.


RE: NWN book by prima
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2005, 02:04:00 pm »
Dorganath - 11/3/2005 9:23 PM   scanning it and putting it up on the forums would be a pretty big copyright violation, so don't expect that to happen.

  It would be indeed.


RE: NWN book by prima
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
Its called World Builder's Guide.There is also a Players Guide.


RE: NWN book by prima
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2005, 02:36:00 pm »
You could do that, or you could gut every module you have, change things around haphazardly and break stuff in general until you stop breaking them! That's what I did.

Oh. Wait. Bad example. Hm...

Talan Va'lash

RE: NWN book by prima
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
Acacea - 11/3/2005  3:36 PM

You could do that, or you could gut every module you have, change things around haphazardly and break stuff in general until you stop breaking them! That's what I did.

Oh. Wait. Bad example. Hm...

Thats the way I learn everything! :)



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    RE: NWN book by prima
    « Reply #6 on: November 04, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
    *nudge nudge* don't worry...i'm sure no one will  tell on you. Ay Ay!
    *coughs* ah well it was worth a try  ;)

    on a side note, i believe the book is available on Amazon and/or Ebay.


    RE: NWN book by prima
    « Reply #7 on: November 04, 2005, 03:37:00 pm »
    Learn by doing or pay for the manual

    I'm to tired to rant on this and there isn't enough space on this forum for that rant

    Please... don't break laws over a game.

