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Author Topic: Where is my character ? "sob"  (Read 45 times)


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    Where is my character ? "sob"
    « on: March 02, 2007, 09:14:17 am »
    (I'm not sure where to post, therefore I post it here)

    Someone stole my character !! No, serious now.
    A few months ago I've requested to delete a mismade character, named "Ore "Axeswinger" of Khazad-Numm". I've mistyped his name. Therefore I made a new one, with a correct name: "Ore "Axeswinger" of ZHAKAD-Númm". I've played this grumpy dwarf for a good time and raised him a nice 5 levels. And now he's gone !! Did some DM delete him ? But why ? What did he wrong ?
    Can someone help me, please ?


    RE: Where is my character ? "sob"
    « Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 09:17:31 am »
    No character will be ever deleted except if the player specifically requested it.
      Are you sure you logging on with the same NWN user and password? Your characters are associated with your logon and if you using a different one you will not see your characters.


    Re: Where is my character ? "sob"
    « Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 09:20:08 am »
    Wait until Dorganath or one of the other Team Dudes see this, they'll know how to "fix" it


    Re: Where is my character ? "sob"
    « Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 01:56:35 pm »
    Just to point out, Aragwen is one of the "team dudes" though he may resent the classification title.


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      Re: Where is my character ? "sob"
      « Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 03:16:17 pm »
      "team dude" you got to love that


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        RE: Where is my character ? "sob"
        « Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 11:48:41 am »
        aragwen - 3/1/2007  6:17 PM    Are you sure you logging on with the same NWN user and password? Your characters are associated with your logon and if you using a different one you will not see your characters.
         Oh yes, I am. I don't have another logon.


        RE: Where is my character ? "sob"
        « Reply #6 on: March 10, 2007, 11:51:57 am »
        We're going to need your Bioware login before beginning to look into this.


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          Re: Where is my character ? "sob"
          « Reply #7 on: March 25, 2007, 02:28:19 pm »
          My Bioware login is "Dinotor"

          I've cheked my characters yesterday, and Ori is still disappeared.