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Author Topic: Character Creation Advice - Home City/Region  (Read 50 times)


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    Character Creation Advice - Home City/Region
    « on: May 15, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
    More often than not characters have some major adversity in their background - families killed, villages burned & plundered, etc.

    I'm considering breaking out of that mold.  My initial thoughts are to create a character from a well established family, not quite royalty, but a reknowned figure in the community.  My intent is not to provide the character with any kind of extra resources or privileges because of his connection, but merely for background development.

    I'm envisioning him as a human, born to a nobleman perhaps. His father was a influential leader in the [military? militia?] and it was always expected he would follow in his footsteps. However, while growing up he spent countless hours in the local libraries and was fascinated with the arcane arts, often spending time reading books when he was supposed to be working on fencing and swordsmanship.

    After completing his basic training and serving a few months in the militia, he finally made a decision. He would pursue his interest in arcane arts, against the wishes of his father and the traditions of his family. He apprenticed to a local wizard and sought out to learn his new profession.  (Hence, I envision him having a level of fighter initially, followed by wizard after that)

    Root Question: Is there a town or region that would be better suited for me to use as my home locale for this character?  I'd like my character background to be flexible enough that perhaps, some time in the future, it may provide some hooks for character development quests.


    RE: Character Creation Advice - Home City/Region
    « Reply #1 on: May 15, 2005, 09:26:00 pm »
    A couple of things. I have a character that has a similar background, so yes it is possible. I would probably pick a more minor town and make sure your parents are no more that "somewhat" important. In my case, I had my character hail from North Fort on Dregar and he is the son of one of the army captains there. His mother is also a wizard who helps in the defense. As such he is split between wizard and fighter, but unlike you leans more towards the fighter after his father.
    Now, the second thing to keep in mind is our rule here that you must have at least 5 levels in each class you have. So you couldn't just have 1 single fighter level and then 19 wizard levels. You would need 5 fighter and 15 wizard at the minimum.


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      RE: Character Creation Advice - Home City/Region
      « Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 09:47:00 pm »
      Thanks for the reply. I had forgotten about the 5 levels in a class rule, but I do remember reading it now that you mention it.

      I'll probably adjust it so that he doesn't complete his basic training then.  The "one level of fighter" was more for RP/background than desiring any actual benefits from it.

      The character submission will be much more detailed than what I have here, was just looking for some general advice.  Again, thank you for the feedback.