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Author Topic: Apologies to the community  (Read 1032 times)

Guardian 452

RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2005, 08:22:00 am »
It takes a big person to admit to the public they did something wrong. And to take one on the chin for what they know they did wrong

I commend those of you who stuck to the agreement you all made. You have my respect!

It is sad to see some of them rebuked. If you can't do the time..... don't do the crime.

It is more sad though to see the accusations hurled at the GM staff for censorship.

Please GM team keep up the hard work. Things like this MUST be stopped before they get out of hand.

If that means people leave the wrold... so be it. It is very very clear what Layo is all about and if they can't mesh with the world.... they shoud find a world they do mesh with.




RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2005, 09:42:00 am »
alright people this is getting old very quickly. Im not bending over for you and rolling out the red carpet anymore as i have always done. THIS STOPS NOW. I posted my apology and i deleted what?. I got up on the gallows, the executionor pulled the lever and I survived. All because I DELETED my apology doesnt mean im still not sorry. I will tell you this. you give me respect and i will treat you the same way. Im tired of you people getting smart with me and people say were are the best community around. im sorry but captain obvious called and he said BULLCRAP. Community's help eachother out and they forgive eachother as yo ushould do with this. I camped, im sorry, LET IT GO. I have been here for almost a year so dont tell me that theres never been a camping in my time. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PUBLIC APOLOGY BEFORE!. Anyone know who wrote the part below muling in server rules (new players read)? It was a player that wrote that and not a GM or L, and this player was banned shortly after. To repeat myself because i know how some people leave stuff out to their benefit, so what if i deleted my apology? It DOESNT NOT mean im NOT sorry it means "stop with the attitude or i will get one myself".


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2005, 09:51:00 am »
I stand firmly with the GMs on this ...

I do not know all of what happened between these players and the GMs, but this is not OUR world. This is not a democracy. This is Leanthar's world, his server, his money and time into it. The GM team helps him free of charge to have his vision leap to life, and we are here to enjoy what they have created, and to add what we have created (namely our characters and their relationships) to this world.

When we begin to disrespect the rules, and the GM team, then alot of trouble starts ... and I fear that it may be to the point now where Routerblade and Drizzt will have to do alot more to regain the community's trust than simply apologize.

What I do not understand however .... is why make a conflict? When the rules were broken, and the apologies made, most of the community immediatly forgave them, and hoped to see them become better for it. Why let a character submission ruin your standing in the community? Why let a comment by the GM team that they were not confident that you could roleplay the characters effectivly AFTER BREAKING THE RULES OF THE SERVER escalate? Did you think that because you apologized for doing something wrong that the GMs were going to hand you a golden medal and a pat on the back and let everything go?

There is NO such thing as a clean slate. For some of the community and some of the GMs, every time either of your characters gains a level, in the back of our minds is going to be the thoughts "was that honest?" "I wonder if they were camping again." "That seemed too fast." and other such things. Like it or not you broke the rules of this community and you are lucky that your punishment was as light as it was and not something far harsher.

The team gave you a chance to earn their forgivness and to learn a lesson about the world instead of kicking you out right away. They continue to be generous by still offering to let you earn forgivness ... are you really going to blow your chance here for some stupid pride?


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2005, 09:58:00 am »
i could careless about Tristan being denied its their hypocritical attitude that blew me away


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RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2005, 10:01:00 am »
Be that as it may. You have a choice to follow their rules, or leave. This is their server, not yours.

I understand you are trying to make a stand for what you feel is right, but you are not going to change their minds or open their eyes or anything like that. If you keep pushing, eventually they will have to push back.

You mentioned in your apology that you don't want to play on any other server ... so why are you going through so much trouble to endanger your chances of playing here?


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
They started pushing now im pushing back not the other way around. like i said before im not bending over and pulling my pants down for anyone anymore. I would really hate to leave layo so im asking everyone to just DROP THIS NOW.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
I agree...Time to drop it.  This has run its course.  It will only go downhill from here.

I'm locking the thread for now.   Let's all take some time and cool off.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
Unlocked.  Cooling time over.  This discussion is far from dropped.  Replies ensuing.


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2005, 12:40:00 pm »
Fire away


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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #29 on: July 22, 2005, 01:01:00 pm »
    They did something wrong. They were punished. They apologized. Now, the punishment was deemed fitting the crime. They serve their time. Let them come back. Clean slate. I do not believe that denial of CN characters should be tied into this discussion. It is a separate issue tied to the role playing abilities of these players and permanence in these players. Obviously, this behavior was OOC and certainly GMs took it into account, when denying CN characters. To get upsed over that, and blaming GMs for duplicity is immature and unreasonable, especially given the facts. You have a fairly clean slate to prove yourselves again, do it. Then try for CN again. Now, I am not trying ot lecture anyone, being new on the server and everything. Let's be mature about the whole thing and enjoy Layo.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #30 on: July 22, 2005, 01:05:00 pm »
    yea i tried that when i told them to drop it but apparently replies are ensuing


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #31 on: July 22, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
    I have scanned through the topic, but I can not seem to locate your apology RouterBlade, I thought that maybe you wrote it again. Yet as I read part of your punishment was a public apology and you agreed on it. Of course you say that you are still sorry and it doesn't matter that you deleted your post. But I and as I noticed quite a few others, think that such an action means that you have taken back your words, even if you say that it isn't true.

    To me it seems that you are trying to work around this part of the punishment. Let me illustrate what I think with an example. Let us say that a famous politic wished to apologize for some of his actions, in order to do that he filmed a special program to be shown on television. Now after that he showed that program to a small village and then destroyed the tape, without showing it to the entire country. After that he still continues to say that he had apologised to the entire country, but is that really a public apology now?

    If you have commited a "crime" ( couldn't find a better word, sorry ) and agreed on a punishment, then please carry it with dignity. Please rewrite your apology as it was a part of the punishment. In my book, a person who backs up on his word is the worst kind. I know that you are a good RPer and wouldn't like to think that could not keep your word.

    I was dissapointed when I saw the flame wrods adressed towards the DM team and Leanthar. They punished you for the wrong actions you did and nobody forced you to "bend over and take off your pants"

    I see that many take this world for granted, they see that there is a possibility to play a CN aligment and they immedietly think they can play it. Please, if you were refused it doesn't mean you have to insult the team and Leanthar. They made this world and they make the decisions, a CN aligment is a reward, not a granted thing.  



    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #32 on: July 22, 2005, 01:16:00 pm »
    RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  12:58 PM

    i could careless about Tristan being denied its their hypocritical attitude that blew me away

    ok, ill rewrite my apology but i expect some proper respect and think before you post
    not saying this to you Ar7 but quite a few people such as Icedragon


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #33 on: July 22, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
    I deleted my apology to show the GM team i will not obey everyone of their commands. Due to Ar7's reasoning i will rewrite my apology though it will be shorter since everyone can read Kai's or Ars's post and see exactly what i did. I apologize to the community for my camping and if i created a disturbance with it. I know this thread is also causing a disturbance so i attempted to drop it but it was the will of Orth to have this thread continued. Im sorry but im doing the best i can.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #34 on: July 22, 2005, 01:25:00 pm »
    This has gone on long enough.
      Yesterday, five players were ‘caught’ breaking the server rule on camping. The two GMs that spoke to them asked them what a good way was to fix this and after some discussion, the two GMs and the players agreed that:
    1)     the players would lose all XP earned
    2)     the players would be banned for three days
    3)     the players would apologize to the community for what they did
       I would like to emphasize that everyone agreed. The logs of this conversation are available by the way.
       Now, one or more of those players have retracted their apology. Not even have they done that, they even started to show increasing disrespect to the GM team as well as the community.
       I’m sure it doesn’t need reminding that the entire GM Team does things for the world for their enjoyment, without any pay, except for the feeling of a job well done.
       This discussion has taken a lot of energy from the Team, energy that could’ve been used for other things.
       Therefore, I am asking you one last and final time, to stop this disrespectful attitude. There is only so much time or patience we have for things like this.
       So, considering that the initial agreement was broken, we are providing you with the following options:
       1) You refuse to apologize for the camping and the disrespectful tone. You will be banned from game until you do. OR 2) If you refuse to apologize for the camping incident and following forum manner, then you will be permanently banned from the game and the forums. (A week with no apology will be considered a refusal) OR 3) You choose to uphold your initial agreement and post an apology, in which case we can drop this thing and your ban will be lifted as originally specified.   The choice is yours, the ball is in your court. Awaiting your reply, On behalf of the GM Team,
      EdTheKet aka DM The Heretic


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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #35 on: July 22, 2005, 01:26:00 pm »
    Just someone please explain to me why we had to write apologies.  Like I said before i;ve been here 9 months and I know others have done something like or the same as us, but yet I see no apology from them.  I KNOW this is nothing personal.  I KNOW that Orth and Rhiz didn't do this because of who we are.  I would just like to know why us and why not others?  I don't know maybe others have not broken the rules as severely as we had.  And maybe I am totally off, but just a why would be a decent anwser.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #36 on: July 22, 2005, 01:26:00 pm »
    RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  1:16 PM

    RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  12:58 PM

    i could careless about Tristan being denied its their hypocritical attitude that blew me away

    ok, ill rewrite my apology but i expect some proper respect and think before you post
    not saying this to you Ar7 but quite a few people such as Icedragon

    Whoa. Ok.

    I have waited to post on this topic for awhile now. Have been watching and reading everyone's comments.

    You all knowingly broke a rule. You all were caught and agreed on a punishment. Everyone initially apologized as was asked.

    Then, Drizzt submits for a CN character. He gets denied and the reason he gets denied is a good one. If a players RP ability is in question then they should be denied. This protects Layonara.

    Then, Drizzt gets upset and posts quite the rant in the character submission thread and references these goings ons. He also edits his post and rescinds his apology and at some point you delete yours, thereby rescinding as well.

    So Rhizome posts a respectfully worded and accurate rebuttal.

    Suddenly RB and Drizzt are acting as if they have been wronged! What? No. You guys broke the rules.

    You broke your agreement.

    And then you have the gall to verbally attack the GM Team? And you expect no reprisals from anyone? Incredible. IceDragon simply responded to the situation. And you dare make it worse by calling her out specifically? Thats terrible.

    In my opinion you are making matters much much worse. When I first read what happened I was of the opinion that you all knew you were wrong, were contrite about it and life went on.

    Now, after seeing you and Drizzt's responses and reactions, I wonder if you two (note the others have stayed respectful) ARE truly sorry and contrite.

    Don't write the apology as a concession to us. If you are not truly sorry and repentant then we do not want to see your words.

    Either mean it or stay quiet for otherwise the situation just gets worse.

    Note these are my opinions and do not necessarily reflect anyone elses.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #37 on: July 22, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
    IceDragonDuevessa or however its spelt set me off. i apologize to everyone but not to her
    Dont say that i lied on my apology it was sincere.
    Thank you.


    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #38 on: July 22, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
    RouterBlade - 7/22/2005  1:28 PM

    IceDragonDuevessa or however its spelt set me off. i apologize to everyone but not to her
    Dont say that i lied on my apology it was sincere.
    Thank you.

    Umm. Perhaps I am blind. But where is her post?


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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #39 on: July 22, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
    Look man...I know I did wrong, I accept the punishment, well msot of it.  I just want to know why we were forced to apologize.  I am NOT upset that our CN chars got denied...I AM upset that they went against their own word about RouterBlade not being able to RP CN.